Check out this bubblenest


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
This is a pic from the top of my 20 long planted tank. The owner of this structure is a dwarf gourami. I have been noticing that he has been packing around parts of plants for the past week or so. Then all of a sudden I noticed yesterday this huge mass above my amazon sword. LOL, I have never seen a bubble nest this big, and he is still working on it!

Tough luck for him tho, as there arent any females in the tank. It is really nice to see him working on it however.

Thought I would share with everyone.



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
lol, funny you should mention that sinasster. Wanted to do it lastnight, however having to get up at 3AM this morning, I decided to sleep instead.

All that dead plant leaves will quickly start to decompose and foul the tank. I just thought it was neat as I had never witnessed one that large before.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Thats about as good as a side shot as I can get without giving my camera a bath.

I took out the first one he made, and with in a week he already had a good start on another one. Unfortunatly I had to remove him from the tank as he was geting rather aggresive twords every one else in the tank. My angel fish has some pretty serious damage to both the tail and dorsal fins due to the gourami. Thank goodness it has only been fin nipping and no bodily injurys. I have another dwarf still in the tank, and he is still the same temperment as before, just as calm and peacefull and a fish can be in this tank. Of course, he isnt building bubble nests either.

wow, nice ball of dead leaves! my bettas blew a bubble nest none the less, no leaves. my paradise fish blew a nest, it just took the free floating plants and made a bubble nest. you just happen to see a chunk of floating egerias densa in the middle of their nest! :p gotta take a picture of that nest though..everytime i open the lid to feed the paradise fish, some bubbles start to pop so ive learned to chuck to right amount of bloodworms quickly so not so much bubbles pop!


It looks like a pile of plastic to me too. lol. Why didn't you take a pic from below (through the glass and water)?

Yeah, my betta needs a girl. He has made some nice bubble and spit only nests. I messed up his last one when I wanted to put another cryptocoryne in his tank. I had to lower the water level so I could put my arm in the tank without making it overflow. It's a tall skinny tank. Next time he makes one I'll be sure to take a pic.

Jun 19, 2004
Rochester, NY
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Question about Gouromi Breeding

Hi everyone, I have a question about my male and female gouromi. They are Blue Gouromi's by the way. They are mating all the time... like 3-4 hours at least everyone 5 days. But.. ... it never appears to be successfull. There are never any bubblenest.. and never any fry. Why do you think? Is it possible my female doesn't produce eggs or isn't fertal or something? I have lots of flooting plants for the nest to go.. they always mate in the same place of the tank.. and then when done the male fights off the female for several days and looks like he is protecting that area... like there is a nest there or something.. but I have looked.. and there is nothing there... After a couple of days they start mating again. It is weird. How do I get the male to produce a bubblenest so I can have gouromi fry in the tank? Any ideas, suggestions from anyone?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Sometimes some kind of floating plant will help the male build a bubble nest. If you have a lot of surface agitation, it's hard for the bubblenest to keep together.

It's always possible one or the other isn't fertile, or just doesn't know what to do. Some fish take a while to work out what to do, although I am not sure if that's true for all fish.