Check out this deal.

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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A guy who shops at my LFS was selling some corals and stuff for $50. I thought, how much stuff is he selling and how small is it for $50. When i got there i was is hevean. He had 5 SW tanks: a 125g, 90g, 29g, 10, 5g. They were all full to the brim of everything you could think of. He said that he needed to get rid of stuff other wise the tank would kill itself. So he showed me all the things that he was selling. Here is a list of all the stuff i got:

1 Cabbage leather about 7" wide
3 Kenya trees each 3"-4" tall
1 Green Candy Cane w/ 4, soon to be 6, heads
A patch of Starburst Polyps about 3"-4" wide
7 red and purple mushrooms
1 colt coral
A batch of 10 green polyps
10 hermit crabs
10 snails

I immediatly drove down to the first atm, pulled out some money and raced back to get them. They all look extremly healthy and some are in the process of splitting in two.

I just thought i would brag about my deal a little bit. J/k

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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I have two places that sell them. Alittle store called aquatic oasis and also Petco. I got mine from Petco b/c they were alot cheaper. Difficulty level, I have no problem with mine. I feed a combo of flake food, brine, and mysis. I don't ever see him eat it, i only see him picking copepods off the rocks. So i guess the problems you would have with green manderins would be similar to those with a scooter blenny. I am lucky to have a large tank with light stocking, so my pod levels are quite high, but the addition of my second manderine has lowered the levels slightly. I re-arranged some rocks to allow for spaces where the mandarins and blenny can't get to to provide a "safe" area for the pods.