Chemicals to get rid of snails...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Is it bad to use chemicals to get rid of snails... from what I've read, it is risky for the fish. I haven't seen very many snails around the tank, so I think that my betta may be eating them. But, I know that in a few weeks I'll see a bazillion babies around! So will the chemicals hurt my betta? I've already tried using food as bait, picking them out by hand, feeding them to my betta and totally tearing down the tank, but they still are taking over the tank!!! How do I keep them under control without having to use the chemicals?*crazysmil

Jan 17, 2003
New York
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I had a snail problem once in a 55 gallon tank. Everynight I was taking out at least twenty. I also removed a few in the morning. I ended up using a chemical and it worked fine. I cant seem to find it now but it was blue and it said something like snail killer. I put it in one night and have not had to use it since. I had a shark, gouramis, and probably a pleco back then and they all seemed fine. The water was blue for a few minutes but it returned to its normal color. The only problem is that the mass killing of snails left many empty shells that just made the tank look bad. Im still finding their remains months later. Everything seemed fine just folow their directions.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i'll try the chicken idea... the tank is too small to get a fish to eat it, i'd love to get dwarf puffers but they'd nip the betta's fins...


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2002
seattle, wa
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Originally posted by FishQueen
I haven't seen very many snails around the tank, so I think that my betta may be eating them. But, I know that in a few weeks I'll see a bazillion babies around!
I wouldn't do anything as drastic as chemicals preemptively. It you're only seeing them here or there then they're probably doing more good than harm.