I've had a 29 gal going for about 3 months. I started out with 5 cherry barbs, but soon moved them into a 10 gal by themselves. Once they were away from other fish and in a small space, one cherry took out three of the others one by one. My guess is that I had a bunch of males, and he was the winner.
So I move the two survivors back into the 29 with three tiger barbs, a green terror, and others.
More recently, I rebuilt the 29 to include sand substrate. (It is planted with CO2 injection.) During the rebuild, I moved all the fish into two 10 gallon tanks (Algae eaters and plants in one, everything else in the other.) Soon after, I realized that the cherries were gone. I'm guessing the GT ate them given the smaller space. Oh well... I doubt they would have avoided the terror in the large tank for long. In any case, with the exception of ottos (which the terror ignores for now) and feeders, I'm not putting any small fish in the the terror again.
Other loses during these few months have been minimal:
I originally had 5 tiger barbs, but two died early on. I'm not sure if it was agression between them or if they were just not as healthy to begin with. Since I had one and then added four more, and the orignal solo barb survived, I never worried too much.
When I bought the very first tiger barb, I also got a green barb. He died that night, and when I went to the LFS the next morning, they did not hassle me about the receipt since all of their green barbs also died overnight.
Non-deaths: Two convicts survived the GT, but were constantly chased around the tank. They were probably too close in size. I doubt I had them longer than 20 minutes before they went back to the LFS. So far, nothing else has succumbed to the terror.
Non-deaths: Early on, I added two CAEs for algea control. Of course, I didn't research things until after I got them home, and then decided that I never want CAEs in my tanks. I couldn't catch them until I drained the tank to add sand. Luckily the LFS took them back since they were still relatively small.
So I move the two survivors back into the 29 with three tiger barbs, a green terror, and others.
More recently, I rebuilt the 29 to include sand substrate. (It is planted with CO2 injection.) During the rebuild, I moved all the fish into two 10 gallon tanks (Algae eaters and plants in one, everything else in the other.) Soon after, I realized that the cherries were gone. I'm guessing the GT ate them given the smaller space. Oh well... I doubt they would have avoided the terror in the large tank for long. In any case, with the exception of ottos (which the terror ignores for now) and feeders, I'm not putting any small fish in the the terror again.
Other loses during these few months have been minimal:
I originally had 5 tiger barbs, but two died early on. I'm not sure if it was agression between them or if they were just not as healthy to begin with. Since I had one and then added four more, and the orignal solo barb survived, I never worried too much.
When I bought the very first tiger barb, I also got a green barb. He died that night, and when I went to the LFS the next morning, they did not hassle me about the receipt since all of their green barbs also died overnight.
Non-deaths: Two convicts survived the GT, but were constantly chased around the tank. They were probably too close in size. I doubt I had them longer than 20 minutes before they went back to the LFS. So far, nothing else has succumbed to the terror.
Non-deaths: Early on, I added two CAEs for algea control. Of course, I didn't research things until after I got them home, and then decided that I never want CAEs in my tanks. I couldn't catch them until I drained the tank to add sand. Luckily the LFS took them back since they were still relatively small.