Hello fellow fish lovers, I have a question regarding a little project I got goin' on. I have a separate ten gallon (in my bro's room) which I use to breed pest snails for a trio of dwarf puffers I have (in my room). I've just recently decided to do an overhaul I guess and turn what was a tank with a few plastic plants and rocks into low-tech planted tank decorated with an awesome piece of driftwood, a bunch of small round river rocks, and planted with java fern, java moss, some anubias etc. The only occupants are going to be the lots of tiny pest snails and hopefully a small school of cherry barbs - I was thinking I could maybe have a shrimp or two but I'm not sure on that one because I figure the shrimp and the snails would be going after the same food source and therefore competing. What I want to know is will cherry barbs eat any of the pest snails? Also would I be able to add any type of shrimp if the time comes, or should I not even bother ?