Cherry Shrimp babies!

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I've successfully bred cherry shrimp. Yay! At first, I was worried that my platies would eat the adults. There was one case, where I found a dead cherry shrimp. Automatically, I assumed the others would share it's fate.

However, as I was doing my routine feeding tonight, I noticed that there were little red things. It turned out, there are 2 smaller cherry shrimp babies.

I'm kind of excited. Just sharing my smiles :D with everyone else.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
jen0910--yeah, I was very lucky to find a cherry shrimp breeder. He sold me each for a dollar but they were all young. I had five originally that went down to four. And then they had babies!

I happened to find the breeder on craigslist believe it or not.