cherry shrimp stimulus


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I was just taking a few photo's of my cherry shrimp tank when I notices something what I would conciter odd.

I've only been running one light for a little while now to let the algae die down and the plants time to reestablish themselves after we moved. I figured to take the pictures, I would turn the other two bulbs on for a while.

All most as soon as I turned the other lights on I got an immediate response from the shrimp. They all begain swimming around in the tank and became rather active. This was about 10 minutes ago, the light has been off for about 5, and they are still going at it.

The sudden bright light obviously tripped something off in them. I would guess it's a fear/danger response more than anything. I just had never seen so many swimming at the same time before.

Anyone else notice anything like this or any other stimuli similar to this with cherry shrimp?