chichlid tank question

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
I have been doing some rearanging of fish in my two tanks, I am keeping the fluval as an aggressive tank with African Cichlids, my question is I just got another little guy he is beatiful, he is a deep blue with black stripes running lengthwise, my yellow cichlid has the same markings only instead of blue he is yellow, the issue I am having is the yellow one being a bit bigger is chasing the blue one around almost relentlessy, he leaves my other african cichlid alone, he is blue with black stripes running perpendicular to his length, he leaves the new guy alone though unless the new guy gets chased to close then he will let him know about it, no fin damage to report so nipping doesn't seem to be an issue but will the constant chasing ever cease or will this eventually kill my little guy