chiclid name?


New Fish
Nov 17, 2013

I got a chiclid from the store, that they call a banded chiclid. I am not sure that is correct. They also said it was peaceful. Fat chance. It killed my jewel chiclid, so now i have it alone in the tank. Can any one please identify it correctly? I cant find where to post a poc, but it is orange/gold with orange dots on its anal fin.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Way too small of a tank for either a jewel or a mbuna, which is the type you've got there. More than likely a hybrid if the name is incorrect. When keeping cichlids you really need a minimum 55 gallons, with a few exceptions. Those Malawi mbunas really like to have a variety of hiding places and open swimming area to thrive. In a 15 gallon tank any mbuna is going to fight to the death to claim his territory, now way of getting around that. Its in there nature.

There is a really excellent documentary I think by Nat geo that you can you tube called Jewels of the rift. It goes into great detail about African cichlids and offers great insight into there territorial nature... how and why. I strongly recommend it if you are going to try to keep cichlids.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
that jewels of the rift was not as good as i had hoped. they need to make like a 4 hour or more special that i could watch over and over again lol. the bits about the cichlids is good though. just wish they had spent more time on them. and the catfish that raise some cichlids and the catfish that trick the cichlids into holding it's eggs.