

Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
anybody know about putting chocolates in with my other gouramies 180 gal home . my blues are docile and my large fem moonlight is just bossy . the tank is very lightly stocked and medium planted with PLENTY of hideing spots . im curious about there current hardiness since theyve been bred in captivity for awhile . my water is perfect for my current fish family , but i dont know if people are still filtering through peat these days .

Jul 4, 2008
The cute little chocolate gouramies - These fish are really timid, and they need water changes often. I wouldn't put them in with anything but quiet fish. They need a well planted aquarium. I have tried to keep them with other fish, but they died, fianlly got them an aquarium just for them, and they lived happily ever after - lol They can live in water 6-7 - filtering through peat is the best. Your bossy moonlight, would scare your chocolates to death.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008

Thanks . Sounds like i'll just have to set up another tank when i get more room . Probably will be cooler if i can set up a smaller version of there environment anyhow . Would ask if you are a gourami buff , but if you're filtering through peat then its a dumb question . You have any other lesser kept anabans? I think im about to setup a 40 breeder in my boys room so i can spawn all the ones i have now one type at a time .

Jul 4, 2008
If you are thinking of breeding the Chocolates, it's well worth your time and effort. They may have up to 40 fry. The female keeps the eggs in her mouth up to 14 days! Let me tell you though, it's almost as hard as breeding the Discus...the water must be soft 2-4 and ph 6 if possible.
I think the Pearl Gourami is easier, and they are beautiful...they are timid too, but are less prone to disease, and can live in ph 6.5 to 8.5 I have bred these, and they are so cute when small. The pet shop owner where I live went ga ga over them, and bought them all - lol They have big spawns, and the male is not so agressive towards the female. I think that the Pearl is one of the prettiest.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008

I already posted this but i guess it didnt take . Is it adviseable to use co2 injection to drop my ph ? Its around 7.0 now . Also i understand that the o2 stays the same at my water surface but will the co2 at the surface cause a problem ? Ive got glass lids two inchs above the water and a diy wooden canopy over that . By the way this 180 tank is almost all gouramis any other fish i would not be worried about breathing at the surface. I designed everything to keep the air above the water warm and moist.