my brother has been asking for an upgrade for his betta, sparky, who currrently resides in about 0.9g He wanted some cherry shrimp as well.
So, I bought a second-hand 5g. For $5. Woot! Now I need input.
Substrate- playsand or topsoil? Or a mixture? Or topsoil capped with sand?
Filter- elite5, maybe a sponge filter, or the perpetual motion machine diy.. There is no space on the lid where an HOB (ellite5) could hang, tho...
lighting- 9w florescent.
ferts/co2- whatever I dose the paludarium with (plantgro or someting like that) and a mini cdiy yeast co2.
Flora- mostly clippings from my tank... java moss, hygrophila polysperma, willow-leaf hygro, and a bunch of unidentified ones, which I should identify soon. And I'll probably get some more in the next week or 2.
Fauna- Sparky the red doubletail betta and a couple cherry shrimp. Sparky is a sweet little guy, about 1.5". What else? He can't have adf's because he is ****horrified*** of worms (bloodWORMS) and therefor wouldn't be able to feed him. His fave color is red, so something with red on it would probably be welcome.
I'll be "assembling" this on christmas eve, as it'll be his christmas present, with a mature filter and sand.
Thankyou! Now I have to go scrub some algae from my 20g......*twirlysmi
So, I bought a second-hand 5g. For $5. Woot! Now I need input.
Substrate- playsand or topsoil? Or a mixture? Or topsoil capped with sand?
Filter- elite5, maybe a sponge filter, or the perpetual motion machine diy.. There is no space on the lid where an HOB (ellite5) could hang, tho...
lighting- 9w florescent.
ferts/co2- whatever I dose the paludarium with (plantgro or someting like that) and a mini cdiy yeast co2.
Flora- mostly clippings from my tank... java moss, hygrophila polysperma, willow-leaf hygro, and a bunch of unidentified ones, which I should identify soon. And I'll probably get some more in the next week or 2.
Fauna- Sparky the red doubletail betta and a couple cherry shrimp. Sparky is a sweet little guy, about 1.5". What else? He can't have adf's because he is ****horrified*** of worms (bloodWORMS) and therefor wouldn't be able to feed him. His fave color is red, so something with red on it would probably be welcome.
I'll be "assembling" this on christmas eve, as it'll be his christmas present, with a mature filter and sand.
Thankyou! Now I have to go scrub some algae from my 20g......*twirlysmi