I saw an ad on aquabid today for "Albino Christmas Cory's" They were white (of course) but the back 1/3 of the body was bright red. Is this natural? Or another color injected fish? They were very unusual looking, but I wasnt sure what I was looking at!
I think they are dyed Albino cories have no coloring at all (that is no skin pigmentation), so the red must be a dye. I saw Christmas painted glass fish on Aquabid a while back that were dyed green and red on the same fish
Thats what I thought. Ive kept fish for 12 years and have never heard of or seen anything like it. I dont understand why people can't appriciate the natural beauty of fish.
We asked someone at the LPS about the painted glass fish. She said people really liked them. I wonder if they would like them as much if they knew the truth. I think almost everyone on MFT agrees that dyed fish is a bad thing.
These are not usually injected, they are dipped in acid to remove the outer slime layer, then dipped in the Dye, then dipped into another solution to help regenerate the slime layer.
Quite disgusting and should be banned.
i saw these fish about a month ago at my lfs. they are definatly dyed. they look ridiculous! there are so many beautiful variaties of corys that i really dont see the need of putting the poor fish through that just for a few peoples own pleasure.
Dont worry....I didnt bid on them! I was pretty sure that they were not a natural variety. Whats the point of being "albino" if your entire booty is red! lol
No, get a Job at the store and get everybody to leave and then plaster the walls with signs that say what Clothahump said then go away and never come back.
i was about to reccomend supergluing, clothahump hehehe nothing works better then epoxy resin, but it might be hard to mix the compounds in the lfs without getting caught