I was unable to fix the 58 gallon due to extreme weather that just happened out of no where. So it was decided to get a new tank. My parents went out and bought me a new 55gal! Allthough I think its more for Meaty
I cant set it up until after xmas, but when I do, Meaty will be king of his own tank again! Woo!!!!
PS - Meaty is like 8.5" now or so!! *twirlysmi
I was unable to fix the 58 gallon due to extreme weather that just happened out of no where. So it was decided to get a new tank. My parents went out and bought me a new 55gal! Allthough I think its more for Meaty
I cant set it up until after xmas, but when I do, Meaty will be king of his own tank again! Woo!!!!
PS - Meaty is like 8.5" now or so!! *twirlysmi