Cichild community tank?

if you throw other smaller fish such as guppies or other feeders, and I mean always have them in the tank, even ones tha just may be to big for a cichlid to get in his mouth, will this help stop aggression in a cichild community tank?

If so what kind of fish would be a good idea to do this with? in my 55 gallon tank(look bellow to see what i have in er)


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
i would also say giant danios, i have one that i bought, nothing will kill it, too fast or too dumb is my suggestion. my dempsey left it alone, so did my firehead, firemouth, green terrors, severum, and various others. I think they would rather mind thier own business than bother to chase a little fish like that. i had two egglayers in the same tank, and they still would not bother with the annoying lil guy. lol kinda sad


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Dither fish sometimes work , and sometimes don't, and often have 'attritional' losses. They can either be used to bring out shy fish, or to distract overterritorial ones. You starting to get some aggression problems - dithers won't work miracles - if you had a 55 with 2 jags, a cintrellum and an oscar, all 6 inches, for example dithers wouldn't sort you out.