As you may know from previous posts, I am going to be buying a 33 gallon aquarium (36x12x18) and stocking it as a species tank. I was considering both JD's and GT's. At my LFS they have a 77 gallon (48x16x24 I t think) show tank set up with several hiding spots made up of driftwood and rock work. There are a few species of cichlids in the tank, but notably there are 2 GT's 1 5" and 1 4", with 2 JD's, both about 4". All the JD's will do is hide among the rock work. I rarely see them. Most of the time all I can see is there head looking out of the cave while the GT swims around and shows off it's beautiful colors. I did some reading and a mag said that JD's can be shy especially if the lighting is bright. I was wondering how I could reduce the light level in the tank without using floating plants. Also I really like the GT, but I think it might be better to start with the JD (I would only keep one in the tank all by himself) because they are more hardy. I think it will be possible to switch to a GT later and keep it by its self in the tank rather than the JD. Any opinions or suggestions?,
As you may know from previous posts, I am going to be buying a 33 gallon aquarium (36x12x18) and stocking it as a species tank. I was considering both JD's and GT's. At my LFS they have a 77 gallon (48x16x24 I t think) show tank set up with several hiding spots made up of driftwood and rock work. There are a few species of cichlids in the tank, but notably there are 2 GT's 1 5" and 1 4", with 2 JD's, both about 4". All the JD's will do is hide among the rock work. I rarely see them. Most of the time all I can see is there head looking out of the cave while the GT swims around and shows off it's beautiful colors. I did some reading and a mag said that JD's can be shy especially if the lighting is bright. I was wondering how I could reduce the light level in the tank without using floating plants. Also I really like the GT, but I think it might be better to start with the JD (I would only keep one in the tank all by himself) because they are more hardy. I think it will be possible to switch to a GT later and keep it by its self in the tank rather than the JD. Any opinions or suggestions?,