Cichlid Breeding/Compatibility Question

I found this comment on Badman's tropical fish website about Blue Acaras. And i wanted to know if this is true or not.

"I bought 4 Blue Acaras two and a half months ago. 1 of them turned out to be a Green Terror. Anyway, my biggest female Acara keeps on mating with my Green Terror male and I have already had 3 batches of fry. The fry are very elegant so breed Acaras with Green Terrors!"

Do Green Terrors and Blue Acaras get along well?*celebrate


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
this question depends upon the size of the tank they are kept in, the territories, temp, the individual temperments of the fish. etc.

my green terror is quite docile and probably could be kept with blue acaras IMO, buy YMMV.

so breed Acaras with Green Terrors!"
if someone wants to create hybrids, that is fine with me.

if this person then wants to sell them off as a true species, then i have a problem....

we already have enough problems in the african peacocks with hybrids and impure blood-lines, i dont think we need to add to the problem.