Cichlid flashing, no sign of sickness though


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Hi everybody, I got my water to clear up after an ammonia spike and all seemed fine until last night. I noticed the water appeared a little murky and found the ammonia came in at .25, so I did about a 30 percent water change before bed. This morning it appeared clear but my largest cichlid, a three inch red zebra was flashing quite often. The ammonia was still at .25 so I changed 50 percent and in doing so found a dead cichlid... one of the small ones, about an inch. I'm guessing that's where the ammonia was coming from but I'm not sure.

Tonight the ammonia is almost zero but as the day has progressed it seems a few more of the cichlids have begun to flash. I'm not really sure what to do. I don't mind doing water changes but I want to find the cause of the problem. Flashing is pretty disturbing behavior to witness.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, you guys are always good for it.

P.S. They are africans in a 75gal.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
If you have ammonia, nitrite is not far behind. Best thing to do is test the water and do large water changes every day until your mini-cycle has balanced out. There may be other pathology at play, but the number one prevention is good water quality. You can also add some aquarium salt to help with the effects of the nitrite, and if you are using Prime, you can overdose slightly - if you do, add extra aeration (thanks OC for always reminding me of that).


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Thanks Lauraf, I always keep a little bit of salt in the tank anyway. Could you elaborate on Prime, not sure what that is? As for that flashing, you mentioned other pathology... What signs should I keep an eye out for?


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Well I purchased it already established and in fact it came with the red zebra I mentioned. I suppose its going through a new cycle with the new fish. Since my last post I did another 30% change after a test that showed between 0 and .25. I think the flashing has also subsided a bit. Whats really surprising to me is how my largest guy seems to be the most touchy to the water conditions.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Seachem's Prime is a water conditioner that dechlorinates and binds toxic ammonia. I've used it for years now, and have overdosed with it during the cycling process. If you are already using another dechlor, you might want to consider switching to Prime and use it now, then use up your other dechlor once your cycle is established.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I looked for it at the local store but they just carried the usual brands. But I did purchase another ammonia binder. I know that doesn't fix the problem but I wanted to take the stress off the fish. I used it last night and it seemed to work. After another water change I haven't seen ANY flashing at all. I feel somewhat dumb about not recognizing a mini cycle. The water got cloudy and then ammonia spiked... hello! Anyway thanks for the help guys. This is a fun hobby for my son and I and its good to talk to people who are happy to help. Thanks again.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Ok KcMopar, here they are. The red zebra clocks in at 3in, he's the biggest and rules the tank. Now go easy on me... you'll notice a green glow tetra and an angel fish. They're leftover from when this was a community tank for a short time. We moved all those to another 70gal. The tetra is lightning fast and I spent about three hours trying to catch him, gave up and wished him luck. As for the angelfish, the africans haven't touched her, so I decided to keep her for the time being. You'll notice a dark red cichlid with stripes... not to sure what he is. I think some sort of moori. He ended up in the wrong tank at the pet store and the clerk didn't know what he was so she gave him to me for $2. I couldn't resist, he's pretty cool looking. Oh yeah there is also an albino rainbow shark that occupies the seashell when the red zebra isn't kicking him out.
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Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Oh I forgot about a small convict. He was one of the first ones I purchased when I bought the tank. Before I did much research on cichlids, I didn't know about the African/S. American difference. I decided to go with African because of the vibrant colors. So I keep a close eye on the convict... so far so good.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Saw some flashing tonight. Ammonia came in at .25. So I am currently doing another water change, 50 percent. Second 50 percent in 24 hours. I'm really surprised it rises so fast. I watch the food very closely, none from what I can tell goes to waste. Obviously my bacteria has been depleted.

So here's a question for you guys...

In an attempt to alleviate the ammonia stress and my own back I purchased Aquaclear ammonia absorbing inserts for my filter, looks like a bag of rocks. I have two of them in right now and I'm beginning to feel bamboozled. If they were doing anything I shouldn't be doing two 50 percent changes in 24 hours. So any experience with these things? What do you think? Crap or not crap?