Cichlid ID


Medium Fish
Jun 16, 2005
The picture isn't that great. I'm not the best Photographer and this guy is so small and fast. He was labeled as a Convict, never seen a convict that looks quite like him.


Looks like a non-hybrid JD to me.
Mine looked exactly the same when I bought her.

They can change colours drastically from a "normal pattern" where you can see the occeli and barring to a "fright pattern" that turns the fish almost completely black! Awesome and beautiful cichlid. *SUPERSMIL
Your baby will need a 40gl tank min to itself as an adult and the standard 55gls if you want a pair or to have tankmates for it. I've kept JD's successfully with cons, firemouths, severums, chinese algae eaters and other JD's. Most people think of them as brutish violent fish but more often than not they're very shy and reclusive.

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bubblecandy said:
He has a red strip along the edge of his dorsel fin.
This would be characteristic of the JD, among other factors in the photo (spangling, facial structure and body type). Being Archocentrus/Cichlasoma octofasciatus, this fish obviously has 2 or 3 extra bars, not uncommon in overly bred fish such as my own ;) . Ever see those teeeeeny tiny JD's mixed with the tiny GT's, Texas, Cons and Jags at Petco or PetsMart? Once you know what to look for there's no mistaking the JD for anything else. There's no doubt in my mind that the fish in question is nothing more or less than a JD.

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Medium Fish
Jun 16, 2005
Wow! Thanks, I didn't think this guy was a Convict although labeled as one. The guy at Petco assured me that he was a Convict but he didn't make feel like he knew what he was talking about.

How much do they usually go for? I seen some baby blue dempseys @ $45.

That fish is beautiful Straitjacket and looks exactly like mine. *twirlysmi

Thanks Orion. :D
bubblecandy, I purchased my JD at Petco for about $7. I purchased a second at PetsMart for the same. I didn't realize when I first started the hobby how little these Aquatic Department employees really know about fish or their keeping. There are a very few knowledgeable folks working at these stores but you'll be lucky if you find one.
Blue demps will always cost more than the normal demps. They're supposedly alot more difficult to care for, more sensitive to water quality and susceptible to illness due to major inbreeding. I've seen a 2" Blue Dempsey go for $85 at a LFS, you can usually find small 1-2" specimens for $20 each online. There is also a pink Dempsey. At 1" they're almost impossible to tell apart from pink cons so you have to be careful who you buy from. There are a few adult pink Dempsey pictures circulating on the web and they are impressive animals. ;)