A couple weeks ago I got 2 small yellow labs to join the one I already had. While one of them has already doubled in size the other hasn't really grown at all. It hides all the time and I've never seen it eat. I was worried about it, so I decided to take it out and put in temporarily in my 10gal so I could keep a better eye on it and see if it was actually eating. I had a few medium size guppy fry, 1 teenanger and 1 female but I wasn't concerned about them too much. It turns out the lab must have eaten the fry because they are gone and only the adult and teenager are left. (Yes I know this is bad for Mbuna). The only thing is, it still won't eat anything else I feed it - flakes, cichlid balls, spirulina flakes, shrimp.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I don't want it to die - are there any foods anyone can suggest that it would find really tempting?
And no, I'm pretty sure it isn't holding eggs.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I don't want it to die - are there any foods anyone can suggest that it would find really tempting?
And no, I'm pretty sure it isn't holding eggs.