Cichlid not eating


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
A couple weeks ago I got 2 small yellow labs to join the one I already had. While one of them has already doubled in size the other hasn't really grown at all. It hides all the time and I've never seen it eat. I was worried about it, so I decided to take it out and put in temporarily in my 10gal so I could keep a better eye on it and see if it was actually eating. I had a few medium size guppy fry, 1 teenanger and 1 female but I wasn't concerned about them too much. It turns out the lab must have eaten the fry because they are gone and only the adult and teenager are left. (Yes I know this is bad for Mbuna). The only thing is, it still won't eat anything else I feed it - flakes, cichlid balls, spirulina flakes, shrimp.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? I don't want it to die - are there any foods anyone can suggest that it would find really tempting?

And no, I'm pretty sure it isn't holding eggs.



Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Fish do that from time to time for whatever reason...I have a Discus I did not see eat for over 3 months but obviously it was or it wouldnt be alive...then one day it decided to eat with everyone else again. Btw I feed my malawis veg. flakes, cichlid granules, an occasional blood worm, and cichlid flakes...sounds pretty much like you are doing the same...ohhhhh yea I have a malawi electric blue that goes behind my custom bg for months at a time and about the time I just know it must be dead it pops out to eat. I know food goes back there even if I dont see it or as I said about the Discus, it wouldnt be alive. Hopefully it is something like that with yours...


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Thanks, I hope so. I noticed she (I think) swims up to the flake and takes it, but spits it back out. Maybe some is getting swallowed, but it doesn't seem like it. The fish is really skinny and it's belly almost goes in a little. I'll try and get a pic if I can, but she hides lot. I had to put her back in the main tank since I decided to get dwarf puffers for the 10. I hope she makes it. It just seems all the other fish I have are growing and she hasn't at all. Maybe she's just a runt? :(

Your fish is being picky. Perhaps you changed foods too quickly?

What are you feeding now?

The fish, if not ill, will eat eventually no matter what sort of finicky trouble he/she puts up.
If the fish is ill it will evetually go into hiding, stop trying to take food and waste away. Those guppies weren't gonna help but they shouldn't do too much harm either. Labs can tolerate a little more protein in their diet but care still needs to be taken to not overdo it since they can die of bloat.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I alternate between cichlid pellets and spirulina flakes. For a treat I sometimes give frozen brine shrimp enhanced with spirulina. Today since she's been back in the main tank, she hides, but did come out when I fed. I think she took some of the spirulina flakes. At least since she ate the guppy fry I know she isn't starving :eek: . I will keep an eye on her and hopefully she's just being picky. She doesn't appear to be sick (other then her belly going concave a little) but she has nice bright colors and swims - doesn't sit in one spot. Thanks for your help!!!


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC

Today she came out of hiding and ate some spirulina flakes - not as much as I would have liked, but at least she's eating.

Here's a pic. Sorry it's blurry, she was hard to get. Do you think her stomach looks like she's sick?



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yes it does look like the stomache is sunk in some. Still has good color, and it's not sunk much, but that is a warning.

I've not had a lot of experince with parasites, and the few I have had I wasn't able to catch them in time. But you may want to start treating for internal parasites. I would start simple and use medicated food.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I'll try that. She actually looks a little better then she did a week ago. Should I separate her into one of those clear fish boxes to feed her or is it ok if the other fish eat the food too? Due to the little amount she eats, I don't know if she will get enough if left in the main tank. Thanks!!