cichlid +pleco problem


Small Fish
Oct 3, 2009
i got two small african cichlids and 1 pleco in a 20 gallon tank, theres about 2 decent hiding spots formed by rocks and 4-5 plants. One of the cichlids(the bigger one out of the two) doesnt seem to like the pleco and keeps nipping at it, the pleco just moves till the cichlid picks at it again, i was hoping the pleco would be my clean up crew but if the pleco doesnt make it, what algea eater goes good with cichlids?


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
What type of pleco is it? If its the dark colored species that is sold at most pet stores as plecos then you should return it. They get to be at least 1 foot maybe two and will not fit in a twenty gallon. I'm not really sure what algae eater to suggest because I only really know about otos and cories but they might not work because of the different water parameters.

Feb 27, 2009
i got two small african cichlids and 1 pleco in a 20 gallon tank, theres about 2 decent hiding spots formed by rocks and 4-5 plants. One of the cichlids(the bigger one out of the two) doesnt seem to like the pleco and keeps nipping at it, the pleco just moves till the cichlid picks at it again, i was hoping the pleco would be my clean up crew but if the pleco doesnt make it, what algea eater goes good with cichlids?
Plecos are commonly kept with cichlids.

If it is constantly picking on the pleco, it may be a territory or stress issue. The tank is way too small for a common pleco, if that's what it is. If you have a smaller pleco like the bristlenose or rubberlip, they do not get as big and may be ok for a 20gallon. More rocks/plants to break up the line-of-sight may help.

How long has the tank been set up? Is it cycled? What are your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

Sep 27, 2009
i have a pleco in a forty gallon tank with small fish that dont want to touch it. but if you have a problem with the terrotorial which you probly do because chichlids are an aggressive species of fish. i would return the pleco cause in a year youll have an over grown pleco for your twenty gallon tank. if you want an algae clean up crew get snails. but research before you do. snails breed really really fast. and some can grow to the size of baseballs

Oct 11, 2009
No do not get snails they breed like mad then u have way too many and u cant get rid of em they will over run ya tank ....and i have a coper coloer pelco and to the touch it reminds you of what a star fish would feel like know kinda of rough feeling ...i have no idea what kind it is and some say its a rare type .....but it is in a 55g tank with 8 medium size black convicks and a female yellow lab and nothing is picking on it it seems to do well with the what is funny my female lab has choosen its favorite spit and chases the convicts off even rolled around with one of them once...but that roll dont usally happen just she runs em off....any ways u need atleast a 55g or bigger anyways with most cichlids anyways well alldeponds on type you have some say no less then a 30g but to be happy and have room where they dont fight about who gets what spot 55+ is best and that pelco with need 55+ to slow down or stop it from being picked on