cichlid suggestions?


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
ok, well, I recently took in a jurapari/earth-eater from one of my co-workers...the poor thing died :(. I don't know what kind of life it had before it got into my 55 gallon but he was just a small 1 1/2 inch "baby" and didnt make the change all that well. My tank is doing really well other than that, most of the inhabitants are well over a year old...some three + years old.
What I am wondering is, because I have grown so fond of cichlids, I'd like to add some more to my 55 gallon tank and I dont know a whole lot about them other than I think they are fascinating!
Here's my tank stats. What do you experts think I could add for more personality and activity to this tank? (Cichlid-wise)?
Size: 55 gallon
Temp: 78 degrees
PH: 6.8, water tends to be on the soft side.
Current tank inhabitants:
1 red tailed black shark
3 cory catfish
1 anglefish
1 african butterfly
15 assorted small danios (zebra, gold, leopard)
6 white skirt tetras
2 kribensis and their 3 week old fry of 15 or so

I am thinking perhaps a pair of jewels? But I totally dont know how compatible they would be with the fierce new parents (the kribs).
Any suggestions?

EDIT: also, there are plenty of caves and hiding places available as well as (plastic) plants and floting live plants (banana plants)

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I wouldnt get jewels. They tend to be nasty.

I'd look more towards the small SA side. Like Rams or apistos. Maybe keyholes...or Checkerboard Cichlids (a fav of mine. Gonna start to breed these once someone in the local club sells one of their batches). Or maybe Flag cichlids (Festivum). Although flag cichlids, adults might eat smaller tetras.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
C-mans sugestions are right on.

I would look into the Festivums personaly. I have always been facinated by these, yet have never seen any in person before.

And just for the record, PH has very little to do with what kind of cichlids you can keep. Just like any other fish, they are quite happy to just have a stable enviornment. I know you didn't say anything about this, but I just wanted to toss it out there for you, because there always seems to be great myths about cichlids and PH. The only reason I would worry about is if I had wild caughts, or was tring to breed a difficult species. ;)


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
thanks, guys. I guess the only reason I was thinking "jewels" was that they are so colorful and active and one of my friends has them and breeds them, but yeah, I agree that they are way too "nasty" for my peaceful community tank.
Rams....tho...hmmm, that seems like a good choice. I think I will venture on down to my LFS tomorrow and see what they have for the cichlids y'all suggested (did the y'all for YOU Matt heh heh)
Thanks for the feedback! :D


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
hmmm...maybe apistos, then? I dunno, there really is no great need to add anything else to my tank right now other than the urge for more fish on my part :) Maybe I will just go there to the LFS tomorrow and see what they have, come home and do some research on the fish they have, and make a judegement call from there. I guess I have just become infatuated with cichlids lately....they are just so personable.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
hehe, yet another cihlidiot! ;)

I too have heard of the horror stories that Lotus mentioned. But I myself have not seen this when keeping only one ram. That has a lot to do with it too. If you get several in hopes of them breeding, then all bets are off. Unless you have witnessed cichlids breeding in a community setup, you have no idea how much of a terror these can really be. But with the small number of cories, and agian, with more caves and stuff for them to hang out in, then you may be ok.

If you did want to try and obtain a breeding pair, I would wait untill the pair formed, and picked out where they wanted there teritory to be. You can kind of help presuade them by adding rockwork/caves on one side of the tank, and removing any other spots they may decide that they like. This would give you more control over were they end up at, but on the flip side, by removing hiding spots, you also increase the risk of putting the other rams and cories in danger when a pair is first forming.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
hmm, well went to the LFS today and all they had (for cichlids...that I would consider adding to my tank) was firemouth cichlids. I opted a "no" to purchasing them right now as I wanted a sneak peek from you guys as to how they are, behaviorally....are they ok for my pretty peaceful community tank?
(My favorite LFS is pretty small but excellent in their fish care/knowledge and health of fish...I can special order fish if I want from them but am just curious if what they have in stock right now would be ok for my tank)

Feb 27, 2005
central illinois
i have a jack dempsey and jeweled, both would make snacks of your danios, and any thing one half their size. may be just the individual personalities, but im not so sure many cichlids would not terrorize that community. i may be wrong though. my mbuna cichlids are fairly small and i believe they a mostly herbavoires (sp?) very colorful. i dont know their temperment with others, they're in a tank by themselves. good luck.