cichlid tank cleaning crew


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
well, im planning on getting that 56gal tank sometime this week (im going to look at it on monday, and will prob have it in the house onfriday or saturday) and its going to be mbunas, and iwas wondering if pictus catfish that i already have, would they be good bottom feeders for that tank? will they get hurt by the mbunas? OR could my 2 weather loaches go in there and be ok? im not planning on getting more bottom dwelling fish if i dont HAVE too, thanks! :D

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Not worth it to have a "cleaning crew" for a cichlid tank. The cleaning crew is the owner. However some of the synodontis would probably work with Mbuna. They should scrounge around for leftovers but really won't be a "cleaning crew" as they drop wastes themselves and it just cancels everything out.

Pictus might work, idk. Weather loaches...nah.


Medium Fish
Aug 29, 2006
L.A. Cali
synodontis catfish are usually ok. i would be kinda worried about mixing the pictus and loaches though. mbunas can be really aggressive. i have a featherfin catfish (Synodontis eupterus) in my african tank but he gets picked on from time to time, even with the sharp barbs.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
well u know what i mean by cleainging crew, basically a bottom feeder who eats scraps, but i asked on the cichlids forum on the chat thing, and some guy said that my pictus cats that i have now should be good, cuz i dont really want to buy anymore bottom dwellers. so i will give the pictus a try, and if they dont work...well oh well at leaste i tried

Aug 4, 2006
Mbuna are mostly bottom dwellers and alot of them will pick at leftovers. As long as you don't overfeed, you shouldn't need a clean up crew other than yourself.

I heard many different opinions on what can be kept with Mbuna. I wanted some sort of catfish or loach in my Mbuna tank, but heard too many constrasting opinions, so I just decided to go with Mbuna. Some told me I could have a pleco, others said no that they would be killed. Some said that loaches like Skunk loaches would be fine. I wasn't I'm going to have an all Mbuna tank. :)

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Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
With justonemore's comment, my LFS has pleco's in every single tank they have. None of them seem to be bothered or bothersome to any type of fish. I would think they'd go fine with Mbuna's. I also have a Rafael in with mine. (Rafael is the type of fish, not his name) He is a bottom dweller, likes to be in the shade. He is more nocturnal, will come out in low light. I noticed when I first put all my Mbuna's in, they wanted to pick on the Raf b/c he wouldn't ever move, but they quickly learned not to. They have a very hard exoskeleton, and they can vibrate their wiskers in a way that the fish don't like. He is also cool looking and he speaks (litterally)*thumbsups

Aug 4, 2006
There was somewhat of an argument on another site I visit about plecos and Mbuna tanks. I've seen alot of people that keep them successfully with Mbuna but there were a handful of people that said not to. Go figure!

Go with the Pictus and let us know how it goes. :)

JustOneMore20 said:
Mbuna are mostly bottom dwellers and alot of them will pick at leftovers. As long as you don't overfeed, you shouldn't need a clean up crew other than yourself.

I heard many different opinions on what can be kept with Mbuna. I wanted some sort of catfish or loach in my Mbuna tank, but heard too many constrasting opinions, so I just decided to go with Mbuna. Some told me I could have a pleco, others said no that they would be killed. Some said that loaches like Skunk loaches would be fine. I wasn't I'm going to have an all Mbuna tank. :)
I keep 2 Yoyo Loaches and a Striped Raphael Cat AND a Dwarf Pleco in my Mbuna Tank.. been there for over a Year. They are doing great. The Yoyo are the ones that bother the Mbunas. PITA actually.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
yea ill give it a try for about a week, and if everything is ok, no deaths then ill keep the pictus in there. HOPEFULLY on thursday, i will be able to go over to my friends house and actually see the tank that i might buy...either way i think im buying it, but iwanna see it anyways hehe


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It also depends on what mbuna you have - yellow labs, afra, you can keep with anything (oh yes). Melanochromis auaratus, vermic., forget it.