the topic of the thread had nothing to do with tank size, but rather tank mates. as such, the question of tank size was not answered because it was intrusive, and quite frankly offensive given the topic of the thread. i never inquired about tank size, so i dont expect to be interrogated by someone trying to give me their advise on what they think i should have them in. proper etiquette for you would be to stick to the subject at hand and give advise based on that, if your intention was nothing more then to help out.
in regards to your comment about being as "newb" (which was also uncalled for, unnecessary, and quite frankly, rude): while i am new to this board, i am not new to the hobby. i keep many fish, most of which are large ca/sa cichlids (jaguars, JD'd, red devils, GT, flowerhorns, ect) also i keep clown loaches with datnoids w/o problems, but i was looking to set up a non agressive tank for my parents house, hence the dwarves. while i have experiance with large sa/ca cichlids, i generally dont keep dwarves. ( a little girly for my taste personally), so i turned to the help of others who would have more knowledge on the subject then me. again. i left out that information becuase it was not pertinent to the topic at hand.
in regards to helping someone else reading this thread: i personally would do a search for dwarvs vs. tanks size, or "what size tank for my kribs", or something along those lines if i was looking for that information. i wouldnt go into a thread about clown loaches to find out what size tank i can put my dwarf sa's in.
now. i apologize if this comes off "snippy" as you so eloquently put it, but quite frankly, i dont appreciate being flamed, and interrogated when i was just looking for a simple answer to a simple question. furthermore, i dont appreciate my thread being jacked and taken way off subject. your first post was very helpful, and i appreciate that, but the rest were unnecessary