cichlid vs loach

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Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
I wish I had that house lol. I would die of joy.

Kribs are pretty, but my Data likes to pick. Rams are usually sweet from my knowledge. I think Data is just a bully though :p


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I'm sorry that sounds snippy.

You are new to this board, typically if a simple question such as "what size tank is this for?" is asked of a new person it is because we have no clue about your setup or your experience. So it would be proper etiquette for you to give a straight answer. You were asked 2 times and both times gave a bogus answer. And honestly your question is kinda on the newbish side of the fence. Again strengthening the need for inquires into your setup.

You can't just toss this many SA cichlids in a 10 gal and have everything work out ok. Even if not for you, for the benefit of maybe a less experienced hobbyist reading these boards. They may not know that you can't keep these fish like that and reading this thread should help them instead of give them the wrong impression.

Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
the topic of the thread had nothing to do with tank size, but rather tank mates. as such, the question of tank size was not answered because it was intrusive, and quite frankly offensive given the topic of the thread. i never inquired about tank size, so i dont expect to be interrogated by someone trying to give me their advise on what they think i should have them in. proper etiquette for you would be to stick to the subject at hand and give advise based on that, if your intention was nothing more then to help out.

in regards to your comment about being as "newb" (which was also uncalled for, unnecessary, and quite frankly, rude): while i am new to this board, i am not new to the hobby. i keep many fish, most of which are large ca/sa cichlids (jaguars, JD'd, red devils, GT, flowerhorns, ect) also i keep clown loaches with datnoids w/o problems, but i was looking to set up a non agressive tank for my parents house, hence the dwarves. while i have experiance with large sa/ca cichlids, i generally dont keep dwarves. ( a little girly for my taste personally), so i turned to the help of others who would have more knowledge on the subject then me. again. i left out that information becuase it was not pertinent to the topic at hand.

in regards to helping someone else reading this thread: i personally would do a search for dwarvs vs. tanks size, or "what size tank for my kribs", or something along those lines if i was looking for that information. i wouldnt go into a thread about clown loaches to find out what size tank i can put my dwarf sa's in.

now. i apologize if this comes off "snippy" as you so eloquently put it, but quite frankly, i dont appreciate being flamed, and interrogated when i was just looking for a simple answer to a simple question. furthermore, i dont appreciate my thread being jacked and taken way off subject. your first post was very helpful, and i appreciate that, but the rest were unnecessary


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
Pure wasn't trying to be offensive. The reason we ask that question is because... It's a good thing to know. Tank size influences which dwarves we would reccomend, as space is a large indicator of how tank-mates would get along. If you have raised fish, you should know this well enough.

If you notice it's always the first question asked here, simply because it's usualy a simple fix to the question they have. If you said 'I have a 100 gallon' we would have given you a different set of options than if you had said 'I have a 55 gallon'.

Don't take offense, you're on the internet... it's not like we can look into your house and know exactly what you're talking about and say "Oh ok then you should do this-" This thread has not been jacked or taken off of subject. The subject is what dwarf cichlids that you could put in a tank, we would like to know what kind of tank they're going into due to the fact that most cichlids are territorial... Which you say you already know. If you know all of this, why didn't you just google the little bit of information you needed instead of asking a forum?

We're all people here, you're not getting some sort of robot responding. Pure also didn't call you a 'newb' as in 'omg you know nothing about fishtanks' he simply meant that none of us know you. For all we know you might have a 2 gallon and plan to put all these fish in it. Don't be offended, you're not being interrogated, and if you just want a simple answer... Google it if you don't want people to inquire about the conditions the fish will go into.

Again, you came asking for our help. It's only intelegent and polite to give us the information we need to answer your question.

Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
the question was not what dwarf cichlids could i put in a tank, just what dwarves could i keep with clown loaches. the tank size is irrelevant to the question. never once did i ask about the tank, or even the number of dwarves im able to keep, thus implying anything about tank size. all i simply asked was what species of dwarf cichlid can be kept along with clown loaches. apparently you forgot to read the first post. or the thread has in fact been taken so far off course that you already forgot what it was about.
perhaps if YOU googled the information before sticking your unhelpful nose in my business, you would learn how large clown loaches get, and be able to figre out from there about what size tank they would be in, but again, as your sole intention was to further drag on this nonsense, and further jack this thread, you didnt to so and instead decided to question tank size once again, though it is irrelevant to my question.

youre absolutely right, i did come askng for help. and you have provided none. thanks anyway.

now... stop threadjacking.

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Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
im not bashing anyone, but posts like this with no bearing on the original question, further create more un-needed drama. if youre not going to help, please dont post here. for a mod/admin of this board, it seams like the only reason you posted in this thread was to further insite drama, and not help at all.

i stated that the first posts were helpful did i not? i stated that it was the reason i bought the fish i did, did i not?

again. tank size is not an issue, and was never part of the question. apparently this thread has ben jacked so far off course that you already forgot what i asked.

"what species of non agressive dwarf cichlid can i keep with clown loaches?"

ill tell you the same thing i told the other jokers who hijacked this thread.
assume i have a 40,000 gallon tank. now what DWARVES are compatible?
tank size has nothing to do with the species, but rather how they will react to eachother, and that isnt what i asked. i asked which species were compatible. apparently that is a tough concept around here. so..
allow me to make the question as easy as possible for those of you who have the most simple of minds...
in a 40,000gal tank with 1 clown loach. what species of dwarf cichlid can be kept with it. im planning on putting only 1 dwarf cichlid in this 40,000 gal tank with the clown loach. assuming that there is a chance they will cross paths at shome point, but have enough room to stay aout of eachothers way, what species of dwarf cichlid would be compatible with my clown loach.

hope that helps.

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Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
Your name fits, Bitter, Bitter about something i don't know. Perhaps the Bitter Aspects of the reality of fishkeeping.
seriously? youre a mod, and you decided to post this? how old are you? 12? your attempt at being witty was not only rude, and in no way the way a moderator should be posting, but it was actually pretty sad that it was the best you could come up with.

How can we give accurate info regarding tank mates if we don't know their living arrangements as far as tank sizes go? Is there a particular reason you DON'T want to tell us? Sounds fishy to me. Its not threadjacking, thats a valid question that ties into your question.
how do you give the information w/o knowing tank size? easy. if you have personally kept, know someone who has kept, or have the knowledge to whatever extent of the two being kept together, you post something along the likes of "you can keep GBR with loaches" or even "you can have rams and loaches in the same tank w/o problems, provided you have enough space". something along those lines?
i dodnt post the tank size, because its none of your business, and i dont need peoples opinions about what size tank to put them in. as soon as i post "theyre going in a 180g tank", then you get more questions of "why so big", or "you can keep 50 rams in there with the loaches" or other statements, that dont help the original question at all. much like your last post. i didnt ask how many i could have, or how much space they need. just which ones will get along with my loaches, but here we are at the bottom of page two, and there hasnt been a helpful post amongst you since the second post. thanks for nothing "moderator"
they are currently in a 125g since you all apparently need to know. did you want the specs on my filtration and water parameters too? perhaps what brand of terracotta pots i might use? what type of plastic the fake plants are made out of? the current price of grain in china? is that relevent to my question? no, it isnt, AND NEITHER IS THE SIZE OF THE TANK!

Oh well. I don't like seeing new members come on here and try and bash old timers that have put in their time helping people on this website.
at no point did i come on here and try to bash old timers. please do yourself a favor and read back in my post. i asked a question, and untill repetedly provoked, had nothing negative to say, sop dont make it sound like i came in here to flame people, when all i did was ask a question. and all my posts were in response to other people. noever once did i take a swing at anyone, but if someone decices to try to bat witts, i will gladly put you in your place. dont think you can take lashes at me and assume i wont respond just because im the new guy. it doesnt work like that. if you want to dish it out, be prepered to take it back.

YOUR posts was truly ungrateful and a waste of bandwidth and space. if you care to act as a moderator, feel free to remove any posts from this thread irrelevent to the question asked. INCLUDING THOSE THAT QUESTION TANK SIZE.

thank you, and have a wonderful day

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Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
it says mft staff, which tells me you are more then just the average new user, and further tells me you should carry yourself as such.
i gave all the details i needed for the question asked, which somehow you missed again. i gave the fish i have, and type of fish i plan to put with it. thats all the information needed.
funny how now all you have is "im older then 12". good job further proving my point that you dont have the comprehension for this conversation.

now. if thats all you have to add, please stop postin in my thread because not only are you providing nothing usefull and further bickering like the child you make yourself to be, but youre just embarrassing yourself with each new post.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
tank size has nothing to do with the species, but rather how they will react to eachother, and that isnt what i asked. i asked which species were compatible. apparently that is a tough concept around here. so..
Ok. I am not going to fuel the fire, but at least make you realize something. This will be my only post so don't bother flaming it.

Around here, we use the term "compatible" to mean fish that can occupy the same aquarium completely peacefully and healthily. Clown loaches get very large, so if you did not have a large enough tank then none will be compatible as the clown already isn't. So in that case our answer would have been "none are, you have too small a tank and nothing else would be happy in this tank". Thus not compatible. Then you look at the fact that clown loaches like to be in schools, even more compounding the tank size issue.

But yes, tank size refers to how the fish interact with each other. On MFT, we tend to include this into compatibility. Look at this example: two male bettas. These fish need the same water temp, tank size, decorations and everything- they are the same fish. But this does not mean they are compatible, as the way they would interact with each other would be very aggressively and eventually one would end up dead, if not both of them. This is why we asked about your tank size- because it would affect how the fish interact, and thus their compatibility levels.

Does this help you to understand why we were/are concerned of your tank size? I am sure I speak for us all when I say I am sorry for your getting offended- but it was unintentional, and to be honest, I don't even see how it was offensive. But regardless, the questions of tank size were relevant to your original post, because of our definition of compatibility. We have no idea what experience you have without you telling us- why not go to the Welcome area and introduce yourself. It sounds like you have a lot of tanks and inhabitants, and it would be interesting to read about it :).

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