Hey Chomper.
Regarding the cichlid with the cloudy eye. If you feel it is an eye injury vs sudden cloudy eye. Then the next step is to find a med to treat an injury related situation. Most of the time an injury can lead to it contracting a bacterial disease. To name a medecine(s) is difficult because different parts of different countries have and don't have certain medecines so I usually answer to what brands people inquire about. In this case though a fungal medecine is its best bet. Jungle Fungus Eliminator that treats cloudy eye, aquatronics meds that have antibiotics in them, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals medications can work too. Try what you think is best and available in your area. Also remember to ALWAYS remove your carbon from your filter before you medicate your fish, because carbon would absorb the medication therefore not working. Hope all of this this helps