Cichlid with fungal infection (Seeking advice)


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2008
Hey everyone,

I've got a healthy 20g tank, live plants, levels are fine, cycled, under stocked (one 2" cichlid). For about two months now I've had a white fuzzy patch come and go on the scales of my cichlid (this is not ich I've seen that before). I assumed it to be a generic fungal infection so I treated with BINOX extra strength bacteria & fungus remedy - the fish seemed to recover, but about a week later the white patch began to reoccur and has done so now for another two weeks. Perhaps I should just re-dose for a longer period of time? (Maybe the visible signs disappeared but the fungus was not in fact eradicated?)


Thanks team.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Generally fungus appears as a secondary infection, and I think this is pretty much confirmed by the fact it keeps coming up in the same place.

Have you noticed any injuries, missing scales or other marks in the place where the fungus keeps appearing? The treatment you used probably worked in getting rid of the fungus short term, but as the cause was still there it kept coming back. I'd keep on top of a strict water change regime, keeping conditions perfect so that healing of a possible wound can take place. It's also possible a parasite is causing the fungal infection but the only way to treat parasites is find out exactly what it is and treat accordingly.


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2008
Misterking, what would you recommend so far as a "strict water change regime?" Daily 10%? Bi-weekly until infection is gone? What do you think.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Personally I'd go by however long the treament is - I find it best to do it weekly, perhaps of as much as 50%, before restarting the treatmentthe following week if the infection hasn't gone.

Is it possible to post any pics so we can definitely ID the cause of the fungus?

Also, has the cichlid (which type, btw?) been acting strange, has it affected its swimming or eating? If it still eats well it may be worth investing in some anti bacterial food or similar, some foods contain antibiotics which may help cure the cause if it's an injury.