Cichlids and Pleco's


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Can someone help me out here. I have a 55 gallon tank with 6 adult Cichlids. None of the 6 are larger than 4 inches.
I feed the regularly and keep them as happy as possible. They play a lot with one another and sometimes get aggressive towards one another.. But never kill one anotehr.. But when I add in a pleco, sooner or later they attack and kill it. I've been without a pleco for about 20 days now.. And the tank is getting filled up with algae..

What do you guys recommend?


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Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
gotta love it

looks like no one really has any good ideas, I'll tell you what I know. How many times have you tried putting a pleco in? Have they always been around the same size and from the same place?

I actually have 6 different cichlids in my 40gal tank (borderline too small now that they are getting bigger) and I'd say they are probably around the same size range as you. First time I put a pleco in, I found him a couple days later, nothing but a carcus. I went and got another pleco from another store and tried to get one a bit bigger, he has actually been doing great in my tank.

So my suggestion to you, if you have been using small ones, get a bigger guy, and make sure you have some places for him to hide if they start bothering him. I know my cichlids can be relentless at times. I have a few spots where he can hide and my cichlids wont really notice him. Id say rearrange your tank, but he's going to be anywhere anytime anyways so I don't think that would help much.