Cichlids and Plecos?


Small Fish
Jun 30, 2012
I have had a well established cichlid tank for a while, with a mother and four cichlid fry and a pleco. A few days ago I noticed my largest cichlid picking on the pleco, and I found him dead a day later. I was planning on replacing the pleco with a new one, but now I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a better algae eater, or if I should stick with what I had. I have a 50 gallon tank. Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Common Pleco's do not eat much algae (except when very young), you might see them stuck onto a rock with algae but its a good bet there was some leftover food on that patch of algae. Matter of fact they are very dirty fish similar to a goldfish type of dirty. A Bristlenose would be better at eating algae but as they grow they to do not eat as much as they did when young, due to being smaller then the Common Pleco they are not as dirty of a fish.