Cichlids and Tigers?


Large Fish
Mar 19, 2005
Hi all...

After three months, I seem to have developed a chonic case of fishkeepingitis. It started with a freebee ten gallon, and now my 50 has just finished cycling. Already wondering where I can put a 120!! Now onto my question...

The 10gal has been home to 8, inch and a quarter highly entertaining tiger barbs. I want to move the shoel into the 50. Can anyone recommend some possible cichlid tankmates. Should I add the barbs after the cichlids or all at once?

When I open the faucet here, the tap water cracks the sink. It's ph is about 8. Sorry but I don't have any more water info yet. Need more test kits.

Can the great Jedi masters enlighten this Paugwan?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
First off welcome to the site, we are all addicted here ;) *crazysmil *twirlysmi

Well your water pH is very good for African Rift Lake cichlids, they like it very hard. And i've heard many cases of tiger barbas being kept with these. Really in a 50 you got good room and could go the way of Mbuna, Peacocks, or a select few Haps (I'm acctually keeping some Mbuna and Haps together too so...maybe a mix). Now, considering the size of the tiger barbs, i would do 1 of 2 things: 1. Grow them out to a larger size to be able to defend themselves if needed. or 2. Get the cichlids about the same size.

I would also go ahead and add the Tigers first. If you want to just start poking around with specifics then i suggest you take a look here and check different fish under the Malawi Mbuna, Hap, and Peacock areas:

They have more listed in the Profile section (same thing, lake Malawi: Mbuna, Hap, or Peacock.)

Now, this all assuming you wanted good color and activity in the tank. Some specis of Lake Tang might be good. A lot of the Lake Tang species like to dwell near rocks and the bottem, so they will be away from your tigers but still interacting. Lake Tang hols some very interesting fish behavior wise, but lacks Lake Malawi's color and activity. (I swear the Mbuna never stop moving ;) lol)

Hope i helped, at least got you started heading in the right direction. :)