list o fish...yes/no?


Small Fish
Feb 23, 2004
bay area
So I'm thinking of getting a 50+ gal tank in addition to my 20gal community and 6gal q-tank/fry tank. Is the list for Riftlake societies a good beginner cichlid tank?
African tank

One pair of Kribs (Pelvicachromis pulcher or ?Pelvicachromis taeniatus)
A pair of ?Anomalchromis thomasi
2 pairs of ?Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor
Some other harmless fish (characins) for the upper regions of the tank. (not too much!)

Riftlake societies (mixed)

This is one of the best kinds for beginners, because: Probably soon you will have breeding success, much colors, much action - it happens something in the tank. And it's nice to look at. This tank can seem to be overcrowded, but it isn't. However, a very strong and powerful filtration is required.

A pair of Labidochromis caeruleus "yellow" (wonderful yellow color), Malawi
One male and two females of Sciaenochromis ahli (blue), Malawi
One male and two females of an (not too big growing) Haplochromis or Aulonocara species, like Aulonocara eureka (Malawi) or a Victorian Haplochromis species. Only one Haplochromis or Aulonocara species - not two Haplochromis, not two Aulonocara, not one Haplochromis and one Aulonocara - big danger of crossbreeding!
One pair of a Neolamprologus species, like Neolamprologus brichardi

I probably won't get this for several months. Lots of info that I still need to read :). I've found lots of websites, but if you have a favorite plz post em, thanks!