hmmm..... i would say possibly, it really depends upon the individual fish im afraid.
i have had jacks and GT's that are fairly peaceful, and i have had some that are quite aggressive.
in a community setting of large cichlids, you want to AVOID having male/female pairs. if any of them decided to breed you would have a nuclear war going on even in a large tank.
with enough territories and that large of a tank, i would say that you could definately do it -- as long as you consider that you may have to trade out a hyper aggressive jack or GT, or maybe split up some pairs eventually.
can different lakes and locations be mixed?
i will be the first to admit that i used to say NO to this question.
after keeping many tanks such as mbuna, haps, tang, SA, CA, etc. i have pretty much changed my mind about the "purity" of tanks being 100% necessary.
you DO, however want to keep fish with similar dietary needs.....i.e.- you dont want algae eating tropheus with an almost 100% meat-eating venustus.
the venustus would probably do ok with the fish you have listed as far as their diet is concerned, but i dont know about aggression.... i think that the jacks and GT's may be a bit much for them, but maybe not.
someone else may have some advice.