Cichlids for 10 gallon

Jan 11, 2007
I was wanting to put some cichlids in my 10 gallon tank. What would be the best cichlid suited for that small of a tank(if any)? I was thinking about apistos.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
For a 10gal, I'd stick to dwarf species of cichlids, rams, kribs, apistos are just a few. Matt I know has bred convicts in a 10gal before, but I strongly dont suggest keeping them in there for life. Male convicts reach about 6" and females around 4-5" there would simply be not enough room in the tank for both fish.
Just stick to smaller species, and if you want convicts, plan to upgrade in the near future.

Apistogramma cacatuiode, or Cockatoo Apisto/Cichlid is a colorful dwarf cichlid that may work for you. It really dependant on what you want to accomplish with them. Breeding, display, just a splash of color. I would say they will be the easiest to breed as they seem to be fairly easy to acclimate. Just give it time. Gorgeous cooloring make it a great centerpiece fish. And with a school of rummynoses or Emperor tetras it makes a splash!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Apistos would make a great choice. You acctually have quite a few choices. Not only are there tons of species of apistos but then you got your boring rams and kribs.

Another cool choice would be a small colony of Shelldwellers....could be quite the change from normal tanks. Very interesting fish to watch. Not to many people in the MFT waters have or even want to try shelldwellers.

Considering you have a convict pair in your 20L i'd disreguard those suggesting them as a choice. But yes, i've done it.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
if they dont have them, check to see if they will special order them for you. most will depending on what chain it is.
and look into what kinda apisto you want, there are a lot of variations. and if anything you can find some goos prices online for them