Cichlids instead of Puffers


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
So, as some of you know, I have been planning a 37gal F8 puffer tank........................until last night when I was sitting in front of my 46 bowfront thinking "this tank is really messed up". I felt it was a bad idea to start on a new puffer project when I am still not satisfied with one of my existing tanks. Let me explain. The current occupants of the 46 are as follows: 3 yellow labs, 1 blue socolofi, 1 krib, 2 blue rams, 1 angel, 1 curvicpes. Obviously, you can see the problem here. My issue was, I like all the fish and couldn't decide to go African or SA because that would involve getting rid of one or the other. Problem solved......the 37 is now going to be my new SA/Amazon tank w/ the angel, rams and curviceps and the 46 will be converted to a Mbuna tank. YAY! I finally feel like I am making some progress. Although, I regret not being able to get the puffers, I really need to focus on providing the proper care for the fish I already own.
Here is the 46gal's going to need an overhaul.

Suggestions welcome! I plan on getting more rockwork after a trip to the park tomorrow.

One question is, should the krib go with the 37 or 46? I noticed other people on this forum have included them in a amazon type theme even though they are African. I've read lots of confllicting info on the net....that they can live in anything from soft water to hard and even brackish w/ ph between 6.5 - 8.0.

Jan 13, 2006
just to let you know your tank is gorgeous. i love the color and you have helped me make up my mind on going with some dark gravel substrate, i curently have the petsmart special lol. tan, green, and pink gravel and it does not go well with my tank at all. I wasnt sure what color to go with till i saw your tank and i love how well it makes everything else in the tank stand out. And good idea on the chiclids, i just got my first ones some small jewels and i have an all natural setup for them brown mixgravel driftwood, rocks and some nice realistic plants. they love it.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Last night I successfully moved the angel, 2 blue rams and curviceps to their new home in the 37gal. The rams were a little pale at first, but have now regained their color. Curviceps is still slightly pale, but is active and eating. I would have to think they are all enjoying the water quality much better since it is more suited to them.