Cichlids scientific name question

Now, I know many of you aren't fond of hybrids, but this is a question i've always wanted to ask. *PEACE!*

If the first part of a cichlids scientific name is equivalent to another cichlids scientific name for example: Nandopsis octofasciatum(Jack Dempsey) and Nandopsis dovii(Wolf Cichlid)
Does the "Nandopsis" mean they are realated and can crossbreed?.

If so i'm gonna try it!*celebrate


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
can i pose a question to you?

how many times are you going to ask how 'related' certain fish are because you want to hybridize them?

the first word of the scientifc name = genus
the second part (lower case) = species

fish in the same genus are generally thought to be more related than fish from different genuses....but with cichlids you never know for sure b/c genuses are constantly being changed.

la-ti-da.....breed whatever fish you want to, but do it now!

just stop asking these stupid questions and go do it.

i honestly dont think you have the experience and know-how to hybridize the fish you are asking about anyway.

you go ahead and put your male dovii and female dempsey (or visa versa) in the same tank.....i bet they will hybridize!! just try it!! just make sure that the dovii is around 20" and the dempsey is around 2".

oh yeah, it works MUCH better if you put them both in a 10 gallon tank....

Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
For the record ANY fish can be crossbred. It is possible. Doesn't have to have the same genus name or whatever.

Well my opinon is why hybridize fish in the first place? They turn out with defects.

If you are going to hybridize fish......KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF, REAL fishkeepers in the hobby want nothing less than Full-Blooded fish.

If you make a hybrid who gives a rats ____ about the name or genus or w/e. Why try and name a fish that ins't pure blooded?

I strongly disagree with the decision to hybridize any fish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Plz do not hybridize, people can say keep them to yourself, but when you have 100s of fry you will want to get rid of some and you probably wont want to cull them, so you will start sellnig them and poluting the pure strains in the stores, the LFS will sell them as which ever species it closes resembles so they can get more money, 2nd generation hybrids can look exactly like either species so the buyer may never know what they purcahsed and may begin breeding until it turns into whats happened with red devils/midas and trimacs/flowerhorns, it will be almost impossible to find a pure strain and you will have to pay near 100 dollars to pay to get a fish from a reputable dealer instead of not having to worry about it and getting a pure strain from and LFS for a couple bucks if they had not hybridized, Luckily chances are your hybrids will nto come out looking very good, the hybrids that sell for alot of money are ones that people have bred for a long time culling millions to get them to what they are (still frankensteinfish in my opinion), if it was as easy as put 2 fish together get cool looking fish there would be more hybrids, plz just buy a nice species of fish instead of hybridizing


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
you also have to consider the fact that many hybrids are 'ok' for a few generations, but can breakdown shortly after and have little to no survivalship in the future.....

i dont usually get so frustrated when posting, but i am just tired of being asked the same question over and over....

it seems like it is not even really being considered, but is merely an attempt to provoke people and cause trouble.

if he were really going to do it he would have done it by now.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
In answer to your question the first part, genus name, means they have a common ancestor one special step above, and no that doesn't mean they can necassarily hybridise. Various mbuna , which are in different genera, can hybridise to crappy offspring quite easily, whereas fish within the species Apistogramma hybridise very badly if at all.
Why don't you just try and breed something difficult, rather than arsing around breeding a with b - it's a better way to make money, and a better way to get experience as a breeder. It's pretty obvious you can crossbreed the above, but everyone knows it's possible and the offspring are unsellable, so what's the point?

Ok Managuense, i'm sorry if I pissed you off!. I just needed some advice that's all!. I highly doubt putting a Dovi with a Dempsey in a 10 gallon would work. First of all, If I had a 20" male dovi, he wouldn't have any room in there!.

Now in regards to Soulfish's comments, if I sold these hybrids to my lfs, they wouldn't screw up natural species unless they pick on the natural species.

In regards to what Cichlid Man said about how Cichlids would possibly breed, and not matter if the species is related or not. That sounds cool!!

For anyone who thinks I am just asking to cause trouble, it's not true. The only reason I joined MFT is becuase i wanted info on fish, so I could learn more.

I personally don't have a problem with hybrids, but everyone is entitled to there opinions!.*ALL*

P.S. I was just using the Dovi and, Dempsey as an example.

Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
In regards to what Cichlid Man said about how Cichlids would possibly breed, and not matter if the species is related or not. That sounds cool!!
Nah not in the least bit.....

Now in regards to Soulfish's comments, if I sold these hybrids to my lfs, they wouldn't screw up natural species unless they pick on the natural species.
Yes they would, if you get more hybrids than pure-bloods then hybrids take over. Then people start breeding hybrids and call them pure-bloods. Then all the once pure-bloods all die off except for the wild because there are a bunch of hybrids being sold for pure-bloods, and people see no need to import anymore because of the abundance of them already. An abundance of hybrids that is.

Ok Managuense, i'm sorry if I pissed you off!. I just needed some advice that's all!. I highly doubt putting a Dovi with a Dempsey in a 10 gallon would work. First of all, If I had a 20" male dovi, he wouldn't have any room in there!.

I personally don't have a problem with hybrids, but everyone is entitled to there opinions!.
This is true.