
if your doing a planted tank then most cichlids aren't the best for it cause they either rip the plants apart or unroot them. (most being the key word) Also we need to know the tank size of your tank to sort of get an idea of what your looking for. I would suggest you get on a site or something with a nice list of cichlids and look at the ones you like and compile a list but if your getting something like a 20 to 40 gallon then something like an oscar won't fit in it. then once you have the list you can check it off with someone that knows about cichlids (not me) the only cichlid i know about are angels :)

heres a great place to start :)

Apr 14, 2005
North of the 49th Parallel
Cichlid-Man said:
Give us some more details of what you'd like to see in your tank.

Color? Activity? Personality? Easy breeding? Etc, what would you like your tank to be like? Are you considering a Planted tank or mostly rocks?

How big of a tank are we talking?
55 gallon tank, not sure about the decor. I would just like to know what other types of fish would get along with ciclids.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Being a purist, or as much of one as possible i don't like other fish with cichlids, just cichlids ;) However there are some exceptions like the more community type cichlids (Angels, rams, apistos, etc.)

For a 55gal however i would reccommend Africans. I'm a big Malawi guy, Orion is a big Tang guy so i'm sure we will both push for those lakes ;) Malawi holds most of the colors and activity IMO. A tank full of Mbuna or Haps pleases my eye. In my experiences, fish from Malawi hardly every stop moving. There is always minor scuffles over territory, flashing, and just lots of activity. The fish from Lake tang hold a lot of personality but lack the bright colors, they are however no less fun to keep.

Since i love Malawi so much i would recommend Haps or Mbuna from Lake Malawi. Usually a lot of african beginners start with the "Mixed Africans" at their LFS. Mixed africans are for the most part Mbuna.

I personally like to stock 12-15 Mbuna in a 55gal tank, and possibly 1-2 Synodontis catfish.

Stocking Haps would be a little different because they can get a little bigger than most of the Mbuna. And all mentioned above would really prefer a more rocky habitat without the plants.

If you want plants then you should look at the South American, Central American, or West African Cichlids. Kribs, Rams, Apistos, Angels, Discus, Convicts, the list goes on and on. Some of these can be mixed into a community type atmosphere like the Angels, Apistos, Rams, and Kribs.

Sorry i wrote kinda of a long response, and threw out a lot of names and such. I would suggest you take a look at our Cichlid profiles and see if something grabs your eye.

I'd also you browse some of the articles here, maybe it can give you some ideas or spur some intrest.


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
From my own reading and researching, cichlids are a very diverse group in which it seems that many have different, and specific needs from one another.

Angels seem to be fairly hardy and do best in a tank that is planted
Discus are not considered hardy and need the utmost dedication to water quality (these are fish that do well with a perfectionist as owners)
Rams and other dwarf cichlids are colorful community fish, but can be very sensitive to nitrites and nitrates
African rift lake cichlids are also very pretty fish.
Cichlids from Lakes Malawi and tang can not be mixed from what I understand and both prefer hard alkaline water

So I guess the best bet is to research cichlids and find the one that you really like then build your tank around that fish.