Clean Up Crew.....


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Well, my tank has been cycled now for a couple of weeks. Am. and Nitrites are at 0 and my Nitrates are between 0-5. It is a 65 Gallon (36X18X24) tank with 100 lbs. of Live Rock and 1-2 inches of Live Sand as Substrate. There are several online stores that offer Clean up Packs but all seem to be a little different. Which of these would work best?Any to avoid?

Option 1) Package Includes: (Aquatic Connection)
- 14 Scarlet Reef Hermits
- 24 Astrea Snails
- 2 Emerald Crabs
- 3 Sea Cucumbers
- 3 Horseshoe Crabs
- 3 Colored Serpant Stars
- 6 Nassarius Snails
- 1 Coral Banded Shrimp
- 2 Queen Conch
- 1 Arrow Crab
- 1 Tiger Sand Star

Option 2) (Blue Zoo Aquatics)
-Astraea Snails 18
-Cerrith Snails 14
-Onyx Nassarius Snails 12
-Nerite Snails 8
-Mexican Turbo Snails 3
-Red Leg Hermit Crab 25
-Scarlet Hermit Crab 8

Option 3) (
-Scarlet Hermit Crab: 20
-Blueleg Hermit Crab: 20
-Nasssarius Snail: 10
-Emerald Crab: 5
-Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
-Sally Lightfoot Crab: 1
-Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
-Cleaner Clam: 2

I am leaning toward option 3 as it seems to be the most cost effective ($100). Any input would be appreciated.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Definatly not #1... 3 horseshoe crabs;are they insain... they get up to 2'.

#2 was looking good until I seen the Onyx Nassarius Snails they are a colder water snail 72-78, and will not do well long run.

#3 .... cleaner clams... what clam is it?, Sally lightfoot is great at eating but get to about 4" and can kill smaller fish.

Personally I preffer going to my LFS and hand picking my crew, you can ask them if they will give you a "clean-up crew" package deal for buy so much.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Thanks Salty. If they would let me subsitute something for the Onyx Nassarius Snails I may go with that. I am not sure what type of clam. I cut and pasted it right off the website.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
Salty i'm sure they meant the dwarf horseshoe crab my uncle and friend have a few and they only get a few inch's big and there cool i plan on getting one.
anyways i would say picking out your own is fun because then you can see what your getting and how there acting in there tank

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
saltwater4life said:
Salty i'm sure they meant the dwarf horseshoe crab my uncle and friend have a few and they only get a few inch's big and there cool i plan on getting one.

"Dwarf" horseshoe crab... never heard of or seen one, I just googled and got nothing on it either. Not to say it's not true, but are you sure there just not youngsters?

If you have info on them I would be interested in it, I always like to better my knowledge on SW.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Well, like anything, there are many opionions on the best makeup of a clean up crew. I have research a fair amount and think I am going with the following (bought separatly):

-Astraea Snails 25
-Cerrith Snails 25
-Nerite Snails 8
-Red Leg Hermit Crab 5
-Scarlet Hermit Crab 5
-Peppermint Shrimp 5

I am leaning toward going heavy on the snails vs. crabs as I understand that crabs can cause issues with some corals and also will eat snails if they want their shells. Anyway, I am still open to suggestions as I really have no idea what I am doing..............

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
oh saltwater, sorry to burst your bubble. the smallest species of horseshoe crab, limulus polyphemus, is the one that can be found in atlantic waters near the US. the other 3 species can be found in japan and java. the smallest species is not so small. it has a maximum size of 40-60 cm. there is no such thing as a dwarf horseshoe. that website says they come 1-2 inches in length. doesn't mean theyre gonna stay that small. if kept in an aquarium, they will outgrow it. they will grow to at least 1 foot. i'm sure they ship out the american species, but if not, that means the specimen could grow even larger. horseshoe crabs are cool, i actually thought about getting one, but figured that it would be impossible in my tank. they do sift sand very well, so if you have a tank that could house a 1 foot crab, go right ahead. even better, go to florida the right time of year and pick one up yourself, lol, they overrun some of the beaches ive been to.

oh, and rush, i have always been recommended more crabs then snails. in fact, i bought my cleanup crew today for my 46 gal. 20 hermits, 10 astreas, and 2 emeralds. i still plan on getting a shrimp or 2, but thats all. if you don't have a lot of rock, or a lot of bio load creating waste, you won't need a big clean up crew.

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
There is so much wrong with package one it doesn't even bear mentioning but here goes:

14 Scarlet Reef Hermits
- 24 Astrea Snails
- 2 Emerald Crabs
- 3 Sea Cucumbers (Not in a tank of your size destined to starve to death and take out your tank with them)
- 3 Horseshoe Crabs( again will grow to large and starve to death)
- 3 Colored Serpant Stars ( can grow to be fish eaters and what type of serpent stars?)
- 6 Nassarius Snails
- 1 Coral Banded Shrimp
- 2 Queen Conch These get huge and will no doubt starve also
- 1 Arrow Crab not long term reef safe.....
- 1 Tiger Sand Star another species that will starve to death......

Go somewhere like Premium Aquatics and buy your snails etc and get a price break on numbers......they are awesome to deal with and I didn't lose one snail when I set up my tank......


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I have 100 lbs. of Live Rock. The tank has cycled, but there is still quite a bit of waste that need to be cleaned up, though I have not had an Ammonia or Nitrite reading for 2 weeks.

Between here and Reef Central I have had options ranging from Snail only to 85% Hermits and several places in between. It is all very confusing for someone with no experience. I will probably go somewhere in between and figure our what works best for me. I am just trying to do a little more research as to what I must avoid. Hopefully I will get something in the tank in the next week or two.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i would get :
10 scarlettes
20 blue legs
1 emerald
1 brittle star
sum type of sand sifting goby
and than mix it up with the snails but you dont want more than id say about 30 or id think theyd starve in my 55 gallon i only have about 20 and harldy never have any algea build up in that tank

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
alright then my friends lfs and my uncles lfs are wrong... lol oh well anyways I've caught myself a few horseshoe crabs at our beaches yes they come all the way up to NJ :D
anyways that's still a bit to many snails i'm with you on lots of snails but they'll end up dying...