Cleaning Aquarium Ornaments

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
If I have an algae problem and need to scrape that off an ornament I would usually pull it out of the tank and run it under hot water and scrub with an algae brush, but that would only be if it got real bad. What is your purpose for cleaning the ornaments? The good bacteria that keeps the tank cycled will house itself on your ornaments so it isn't a good idea to clean them too often. If/when you do clean them, you should watch your tank for an ammonia spike. If you just have a little bit of algae on the ornament you might just clean it in a bucket of water that you've filled from the tank itself during a water change. This way you can still keep the good bacteria alive on any places that you don't scrape. Hope this helps ya out.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
all i do if my ornaments get some build up is swoosh around in bucket of water your changing out like was said above
if its bad i take a tooth brush in that same water and gently brush
this is the same way i do my bio filter when it gets to much goop and my flow is restricted.
hope this helps

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Plain bleach diluted and soak for a will see the algae fade away. Works very well on fake plants that stink to clean. Even worked on the silk plants.

There should be plenty of benificial bacteria in the filter, tank glass..gravel that bleaching your stuff wont hurt any. Just rinse very well before putting back.


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
You can do a bleach soak. Just soak the ornaments in a heavily diluted bleach/water mixture for a day. Let them air dry and them soak in regular water for a day. You can rinse them under hot water too so that all the bleach is gone. If you don't feel comfortable with that I've heard using baking soda and water helps. Or an old fashioned tooth brush lol. Nothing works like elbow grease!