Cleaning filter


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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Cleaning filter Question

How do you clean the filter, or should you clean the filter at all. I am noticing the tube of the filter that extends into the tank on my Whisper filter is full of gunk. Should I clean it or leave it since it is a cheimical and bio filter?

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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have 2 whisper 3s and a canister filter on
my 55 gallon planted amazon tank....
The whispers do get the 'gunk' built up...
but with I have over filtration that I dont
worry about it unless the whisper slows
down too much....
about once every six months I pull one of
the whispers out and do a complete clean
out of the filter.... but I put the sponge back
in with just rinsing it in tank water....

I would say clean it out... most of your bio
filtering is in your filters media and the gravel
in the tank.... by having a clean uplift tube to
the filter ensures good water flow...

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
I agree with the above post but I would clean out the filter more often than every 6 months. A clogged or partially obstructed filter tube or excess buildup in the impeller assembly can cause wear on the moter thus reducing the life of your filter.

I clean mine every couple of months or when I see excessive buildup and have the time. Definately use old tank water of luke cool tap when claening the media so as not to kill off too much bacteria.

There are special bendable cleaning brushes for the cleaning of those tubes too. . . I just bought one!

Good luck*celebrate

Clean the filter tube. That gunk is decaying biological material in addition to bacteria. If globs of this stuff break off they could clog the filters drive. I would also clean the rest of the filter. To avoid killing the "good bacteria" wash and rinse the filter parts in a bucket of water from the tank itself. This includes the sponge. Tap ware has chlorine which will kill the bacteria. save some of the water from a water change or just drain some out to wash the filter with. just use this water and a brush or clean cloth to wipe the parts. NO SOAP EVER on anything to be used in your tank. :)