cleaning filters?


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
should i clean the inside of my hob filters? and if so how often and should i use a little bit of vinager to get some of the slime off. not saying that they are disgusting but i like it when everything is nice and clean.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i wouldnt use vinager, i leave mine because it is bacterial of nature and good for tank i think. I did have algae growing on my hob filters (i have two) so i cleaned one and then two weeks later i cleaned the other but only with warm water. I was told you don't want to clean them like they were when new as it would take from the bacteria that we want in tanks. if it impedes operation of biowheel or filter then by all means clean it off but if filter is still working i would let it be.

Sep 19, 2006
if I can see it from the outside of the tank I clean it, but I leave the inside alone unless it gunks up the flow, or I can see a bunch of algae. If there is a bunch of stuff gunking up, I take a towel and just wipe it out, I don't even use warm water. About once a month or so, I do take off the intake tube and swipe with a brush (you can buy these at lfs), to make sure flow is good.