Cleaning live rocks


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It is hard to make a live rock clean. I've tried scrubbing with algae pad, flushing with powerhead, and even taking the rocks out and shaking them violently in a bucket. All the detritus, gunk, and algae acculmation can choke out purple coraline algae. Finally I found a GOOD solution, toothbrush or detail's brush! Or a plastic facial scrubber. They work magificently for cleaning live rocks, gets rid all the stuff including the little nook and cranny parts. I was surprised that 90% of my coraline algae is still very purple and alive even after 2 years of partial choke-out.
I was thinking that my lighting system was inadequate, but after I scrubbed all the rocks, they are all purple again, I guess it was my inadequate cleaning technique, now all my live rocks look like brand new, all purple. Been keeping my live rocks for over 3 years now, still all purple, with my 1 30watt actnic blue, 1 30watt 10k daylight, my lighting is crap but yet they are working. I do keep calcium, alkaline , etc. level up with those liquid reef products and Kent's product with coraline booster. Recently added 1 30watt 50/50 bulb. Was gonna get compact flourescent light cuz too many people laughed at my lighting system, yet my rocks are more purple and all purple comparing to my friends' tank with crazy expensive lighting system. Peace out.

Oct 22, 2002
try avoiding the causes of algae in the 1st place...excessive nutrients, nitrates & prolonged light duration...if not get an emerald crab...neat looking and eats could be scrubbing the life out ouf you rocks (more that just keeping the nice purple coralinne alive) all kinds of other benefical critters on the rock would help elimate algae as well..good luck!