cleaning/removing the filter cartridge


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2007
I have a top fin 30 filter, and the directions on the back of the filter cartridge say to replace it every 4 weeks. If I replace it then won't all the good bacteria be lost? How do I change the filter cartridge and keep the good bacteria at the same time? I know it seems like I am asking too many questions, but just be patient with me!!



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Well, you can do a couple different things here, I myself simply rinse my filter in tank water (after I do a water change) I replace mine maybe every 10-12 weeks. I use the "generic" filter pads you buy at the LFS and cut my own.

As far as the Bacteria, yes you will loose some when you replace the filter, some say your tank will even do a little "mini-cycle" But do keep in mind that your substrate also houses alot of beneficial bacteria as well, so if there is a cycle it will be minor & short.

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
How big is your tank? Is it planted? In a well cycled tank, the good bacteria will live in the gravel, on the tank decorations, as well as in the filter media. Most filters have a little extra room to shove some extra filter floss or a sponge down into it. If you're worried about losing the bacteria, you can always add a sponge or a bit of filter floss into the filter and leave it in there, bacteria will grow on it, so that when you change your filter media you still have a good supply of the bacteria.

If you're due for a filter change soon here is a great option for you.

When you remove your old filter, keep it wet in a bit of aquarium water. After putting in your new filter, take a pair scissors and cut the old filter floss away from the old filter media. Remove any loose pieces of carbon from the floss then shove it down behind the new filter media or in front, where ever you have room for it. Beware, when you do this, the water in your tank may become a bit cloudy from squishing the filter floss, which is full of gunky stuff. This is also a great way to help jump start the cycle of a new tank :)


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2007
Thanks for the replies, I forgot that the bacteria also lives in the gravel and on the plants. It is a 30g and will have artificial plants, it is just in the begining stages right now.
