Cleaning tank


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Glass tank
Use a 10%-30% bleach to water mixture and wash it out really good after your done. Make sure you use a bit extra of the dechlor water conditioner before you add fish, but I would cycle the tank before adding more fish.

Acrylic Tanks
You can use bleach, but its not recommended. I would use a much lower water to bleach ratio if you do it.

Sep 19, 2006
ummm....... you don't want to put bleach in with the fish.

You want to kill the ich cycle by adding salt and raising temp, clean the tank as normal during treatment (vacuum gravel..add water treatment etc)

(there's a million places to lookup how much salt and what temp)

if all your fish died from ich and you were cleaning out the tank before beginning again......then use bleach


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
LOL I totally read that wrong... yes you do not want to put bleach in it with fish. With a title like "Cleaning tank" I thought you wanted to clean the actual tank, not treat the fish. srry I REALLY hope you didn't dose your tank with bleach.


I recommend CopperSafe

Here is a link:

Aquarium Fish Medications: CopperSafe

I think its a better alternative to the salt treatment, but still raise the temp of the water.