cleaning up the waste....


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
For a 75 g tank you change it like 25% for around 2 weeks right?....Then what do u do w. the waste that they produce between that time? Just leave it there? Or is there a way i should get it out? Can u help me out?!:confused:


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It all depends on your fish load and filtration.

I have a 150g catfish tank, has wet/dry, 2 emperor
400s and two power heads with fiber baskets.......
Now I have a lot of catfish in there and they
are getting bigger all the time (see classifieds),
so I am vaccuming it once weekly (20-25% water
change out), as well as the filters; 2 in wet/dry
overflow box, one above the wet/dry, the four in
the two 400s and the two powerheads.
Its labor intensive but is necessary until I elimate
some fish....

You failed to mention your fish load and filtering.....



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
oh sorry about that...I have a big pleco about 7 in, a 4 inch pacu, a 5 in oscar, and a very tiny fish which i think is a blue devil but when i look it up online it does not look the same(this is about maybe 2 to 2 and a half inches?)....then for filters I have two, a 300 aqua clear and a whisper 3...what is the wet/dry thing you are talking about? I am planing on getting another filtration system in the near future but i dont know what to get considering the amount of waste and size these fish grow to. Any suggestions about the waste clean up and or filtration system?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
7" pleco
5" oscar
4" pacu
and something 2"
You have next to nothing in that tank!!!!!
(oh how I wish!) :)

Your fish waste would be nil, especially
with 3 HOB filters....
Your biggest waste producer would
probably be uneaten food or like me
veggie matter I feed my 3 plecos....

Just stir the bottom every so often
so the HOB filters can pull some of
the waste out and you should be fine.

A wet/dry filter is one that overflows
via a pre-filter box down over a medium
that allows a combinations of water/air
(hence wet/dry) for the growth of bacteria.

Then the water is pumped back our of the
sumb to the tank.... usually found on larger
tanks and saltwater systems...

I not only have the emperor 400s, but I have
3 whisper 3s, and a whisper 1 on other tanks.
I like the advantage of cleaning out the filter
medium and reusing them... and new ones
via online purchasing are not that expensive.
Not familar Aqua Clear filters....


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
#5 to nothing?!?!?!...but i thought 4 fish is a lot!!!...hahaha...especially considering they are supposed to grow around 10 inches +!...But it would be wise to get another filter right???? Cause you can start to smell a bit of a fishy smell and its only been 3 days(or am i just being paranoid?) Oh yeah also the tank has either particles or bubbles floating all around in it...but i cant tell which it is! Its like with the filters the water comes out and creats bubbles BUT then these little tiny things keep on floating around and are making the water that normal...thanks SOOO much for all ur help already!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I know my Whispers don't creat bubbles unless
the water flowing from the filter is breaking the
surface of the water. I intentional do that on a
couple tanks to keep a protein film from forming.
(Dont have that problem with a wet/dry system
because it skims water off the top).
Not sure what you are seeing, but take a clean
glass and scoop some water out and take a closer
look!! whatever (?)

More filtering? not sure.. seems like the general
thought is to turn your water over 6 times an hour....
and those 3 filters it sounds like you have plenty.

Having an aquarium one must plan out the potential
growth of fish.... (learning that now)... and adeque
amount of filtration.... A 75 gallon is a nice size tank.
A couple of emperor 400s would be nice, of if you can
get a wet/dry system. Personal preference should
dictate.. .that and money. I just use a little of each
type available... (have a eheim canister as well), but
HOBs and wet/drys are my favorite. One nice thing
about a wet/dry is the sump which gives your system
more water, as well as a place to put your heaters
or UV sterilizers etc..... I have chemi-pure and an
UV in mine. (just put a heater in 150g tonight because
of the colder temps we are experiencing in south florida).