I want to tranfert some of my cleanning fish in my new 33gl tank ?? ...
I have in 2 different tanks one have 1 Clown Plecos, and 2 Amano shrimps the other one have 2 dwarf loach, 2 Ghost shrimps and 2 flying fox and 2 snails
In my 33Gl I Think add my 2 pearl gourami, 2 ram, 1 firemouth and 2 Apistogramma agassizii also 5 danios. Think it could be a good mix??
I want to know your thought on this?
I have in 2 different tanks one have 1 Clown Plecos, and 2 Amano shrimps the other one have 2 dwarf loach, 2 Ghost shrimps and 2 flying fox and 2 snails
In my 33Gl I Think add my 2 pearl gourami, 2 ram, 1 firemouth and 2 Apistogramma agassizii also 5 danios. Think it could be a good mix??
I want to know your thought on this?