Cleanup Crew


Small Fish
Sep 4, 2008
I'm looking for a little advice/wisdom on getting a couple crabs or snails for a fish only tank. I still have my damsel fish in the tank while it is cycling, but I am looking to get a few trigger fish and a snowflake eel.

What is a good combo to add to the tank without having the fish eat and pick on the cleaners. Or do you think this wont be much of a problem, as I will be getting the fish in their smaller sizes? I would really like to have a fire shrimp in there, but i think that the fish will probably pick on it too much.

What species should I add that will be hearty enough for my first tank, and add a little bit of flair to it?

Would it be a good time to add them to the tank now? It looks like the tank is about done cycling, maybe another week left to go.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I don't think you'll be able to keep shrimp or snails with the fish you want. Shrimp or crabs will definitely get eaten, and most likely any snails will, too.

I notice that you have a couple of triggers and a snowflake eel planned for this tank. I think the maximum you could get away with are a single niger trigger and a snowflake eel. The other triggers get far too large for the tank you have.


Small Fish
Sep 4, 2008
What would you recomend to help keep the substrate aerated and cleaned? Are there other options that I havent learned about yet?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
wow that is way too many fish for a 75g as Lotus stated one niger and one snowflake and you are probably maxed out. I hope you have a very tight fitting lid as snowflakes are notorious escape artists.
As far as your substrate all I would suggest would be replenishing sand stirring snails such as nassarius and realizing that you will need to replenish them if they get eaten. Such is nature...... if utilizing a deep sand bed you can stir the top 1/2 inch when doing your water changes but don't go any deeper than that if you have a working bed.


Small Fish
Sep 4, 2008
Really, just the 2 fish? I am not keeping the damsels in there. I dont want to have tons of fish, but do want more than 2. I know that the puffer is going to get too big... I have taken it and the angel off of my wishlist.

Is it because of the eel that I can only have that few of fish?

Thanks for the advice, I am glad to find out now, rather than down the road when expensive fish start to die.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The humu and niger triggers get about 12" and the clown about 20" now imagine those in a 4' swimming room at all barely for one let alone more than one. Now think of the amount of waste they produce.......enough said I think. If you want more fish why not go for a community tank where you can have many assorted smaller equally colorful fish.....????


Small Fish
Sep 4, 2008
Well, therein lies my misinformation. The stuff I've been reading say those fish are getting about 8-10" in the tank and that the Niger will get to 12". With this info, you are right, I am looking for a different type of setup where I can put a few different, smaller fish in there. Maybe in the future when I get a larger tank, I will get the triggers.

Thanks for the info.


Small Fish
Sep 4, 2008
I love the reef tanks with everything going on in them, but since I am just starting out in the SW hobby, I decided to start with a fish only tank. I've got a couple other, smaller tanks that I am getting ready to set up as reef tanks when I get back from the holiday vacations.