Nice thread idea! although some may not agree...
I love my favorite fish that i have had for 8 years now. Its the Spotted Raphael Cat in my sig, and she has lived in that 40 Gal for a looong time.
I love it because, not only is it the most vivacious fish i have ever lived with, but she has grown quite big (5") and is cool-looking and awsome all-together.
Its really fascinating to watch her scurrying around for food at night
Unfortunately I think I will have to be letting her go, giving her to another owner
I have loved this fish for a long time and I'll make sure she goes to a good owner.
I would love to keep her around, but idont think she'll be friends with a school of small cories, as her mouth is a bit bigger than the cories' body.
She will be gravely missed when its time for her to move out.