cloudy tank

May 12, 2005
Well, I got up this morning turned on the tank light and my tank is so cloudy I could hardly see the fish. I checked all my levels and everything seems to be doing good. The ammonia is up alittle but not a dangerous.(.20ppm) The tank has ben up an running for about 5 weeks now. Is this normal or should I do a water change? Did a 30% water change yestuday and I lost a fish :(


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
What color of cloudy is it? If its white, I would just leave it for a few days and deal with the cloudyness. White means a bacteria bloom and they'll usually take care of themselves with a little bit of time and then a big water change. Did you mess with the filter pads recently?

If its green then its an algae bloom and ya better read up on how to deal with that asap before your tank gets overrun :) Usually a water change then a blackout for a few days and then some big water changes will take care of a large part of green water.