My water was very green so I cut back on my liquid fertilizer. I was so happy that my plants were growing that I got a little carried away. ;D I did a 30-35% water change yesterday intead of my usual 20-25% (weekly). This morning I turned on the light and saw that it wasn't green anymore but was cloudy. I can see little particles floating around and moving with the current.
It's a 55 gallon. It's been up for a few months. I added a big chunk of driftwood and 4 gouramis a little over a week ago. I think I started adding the plant fertilizer about 2 weeks ago. Nothing else has changed.
What caused this? How can I fix it? I know lots of water changes will probably help but it's hard in this big of a tank. Water is heavy! Rather I should say, how do I prevent the problem?
It's a 55 gallon. It's been up for a few months. I added a big chunk of driftwood and 4 gouramis a little over a week ago. I think I started adding the plant fertilizer about 2 weeks ago. Nothing else has changed.
What caused this? How can I fix it? I know lots of water changes will probably help but it's hard in this big of a tank. Water is heavy! Rather I should say, how do I prevent the problem?