Cloudy Water


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Ok everyone, here's what's up. I did my weekly water change yesterday, along with some algae scrubbing and such. Well, that all went well, except my water was kinda cloudy. I figured maybe the water just had to settle, but today my water was still cloudy...

I just finished testing my water, and my parameters are as follows:

Ammonia: <.1
NitrIte: <.1
NitrAte: 5-10

So, that's not too shabby, are my nitrAtes a little high though?

Anyways, any thoughts on the cloudy problem? Also, Flounder seems a bit perturbed...he's fidgiting a lot...*sigh* I hope all is well, I may be over-reacting, but I just want to keep my little buddy alive and happy :eek:

5-10 nitrates isn't bad at all. How is it cloudy? Is it a white, milky cloudiness, or green?

If it is white, it is a bacterial bloom; water changes will get rid of it. If it is green, you have a green water(suspended microscopic algae) outbreak; this can be dealt with by a total blackout... turn out all lights, and cover the tank with a blanket for four days.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
It's a white cloudy. The thing is, it happened right after I changed my water, like, 30min or so after I did the water change...that's what I am confused about. It's pretty much cleared up now...strange