Cloudy Water??

Feb 24, 2010
Hi, recently I've been given a 35 Gallon fish tank, and I just set it up last night. The water was clear last night but I had my heater on and I think it was pretty high to wake up with a really warm fish tank. There are no fish inside and it's cloudy! I don't know why it's Cloudy, and how to fix this. Is it possible that my heater made the water temporary cloudy? What causes cloudiness?


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
how long was the water in? is this just a planted fishtank? is this tank cycled? did you recently add anything to this tank? when was the water changed last time and how much?

whats your basic worry btw if there are no fish?

Bacteria bloom makes water white, this happens when lots of new water is added.
Ammonia spike makes water cloudy, this happens when fish die and it rots at the bottom
uneaten fish food will cause water to go bad and it can turn white if not water change is not done.

Feb 27, 2009
If the tank was just set up and you added gravel, its likely dust that is in the gravel. It will settle to the bottom over time, or if you are running a filter, the filter media will trap it.

The heater would not make the water cloudy.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I agree that it's just the gravel sediment. run your filter and put some filter floss in there. replace the filter floss daily until your tank clears up :)

Sep 26, 2009
I read in another thread not to use TAP WATER when doing a water change, what would you recommend, distilled water ?, or a bottled water like, Poland Spring or Aquafina>(Aquafina says "purifed water" on the that better)?

Sep 26, 2009
ifwe are doing a water change, does anyone think its a good idea, to have a 2nd tank on hand, to put the fishies in, so that we can do a good gravel clean to the main tank ?we now have a gravel vacuum.
cuz the last time we did a water change,while they were in the tank, we removed a piece of fake coral and all kinds of undisolved food came up from beneath the gravel and we were scared to deatht that our fishies were gonna choke untill it all settled down