My five inch loach has started swimming up and down the glass at the side of my 55g. He keeps it up until he's tired. The other four smaller loaches join in with him but give up after a while. When I first got this fish he was 2 or 3 years old and was raised by himself. He would do the swimming thing all the time and I finally got a bigger tank and got him some friends. He hasn't done it since then and now it's starting up again.
I'm not sure if he's bored or hungry, but I've been giving him frozen brine shrimp and that seems to settle him down. He gets full and then spends hours looking for scraps in the substrate. When I turn off the light he is out for the night in one of the many tubes and hiding places I have for him and the other loaches. I'm wondering if he just learned how to beg for his favorite food, which I haven't provided in a while, or if he's getting too big for my tank. I don't think it's normal for a fish to swim with it's reflection. What do you think? I love this fish and want him to be happy even if I have to give him up.
I'm not sure if he's bored or hungry, but I've been giving him frozen brine shrimp and that seems to settle him down. He gets full and then spends hours looking for scraps in the substrate. When I turn off the light he is out for the night in one of the many tubes and hiding places I have for him and the other loaches. I'm wondering if he just learned how to beg for his favorite food, which I haven't provided in a while, or if he's getting too big for my tank. I don't think it's normal for a fish to swim with it's reflection. What do you think? I love this fish and want him to be happy even if I have to give him up.